Side by side display of two text files, directories or ZIP archives. Useful to see the differences between two text files or two sets of files, where one or both sets can reside in a ZIP archive. Line editing functions available.
With WDumpEvt you can manage the windows NT/2000 eventlog:
Ask for eventlog information.
View, print, dump list of events, user/ras sessions, or print jobs.
Dump the data in ASCII-delimited, CSV or html format.
Schedule all these actions.
Weather Stats (Australian only)
(FOR AUSTRALIAN WEATHER ONLY) Polls latest Weather Stats at intervals you choose. Data is displayed in a micro banner or System Tray text display (like the clock).
Cool shareware weather program that keeps you posted of current weather conditions, forecasts, Warnings/Advisories, hundreds of Satellite and Radar images, weather Cams, Worldwide locations and the program is skinnable.
WeatherAloud reads weather forecasts and conditions aloud from over 7500 locations worldwide. Wake up to your local forecast, listen to hourly temperatures from your favorite vacation spot, or hear conditions where your distant loved ones are.
Weave Words
Weave Words is a fun new PC word game where you play to uncover well known phrases and sayings. Using a hexagonal grid of letter tiles, you must build words of three or more letters, then use those letters to try to guess the fun hidden phrase.
Web and Computer Washer
Regularly clean Cache, Cookies, Temp files, AutoComplete, Recycle bin, Recent Documents list and unwanted history files: Visited sites, Address bar, Documents you've opened, programs you've ran, Files and Computers searched, and Network and Telnet.
web based msde dba tool - Shusheng SQL Tool
web-based MS SQL Server(MSDE)2000 client tool, query analyzer and dba utility to design, create, query, backup, manage and monitor database from a web browser. Pure ASP script, no installation needed. Freeware for Educational and Personal usage.
Web Browser Spell Check
Web Browser Spell Check allows webmasters to easily add a spell checker to text boxes and text areas of their web sites. Client-side technologies are used to perform the check so your web server is not laden with additional work.
Web Bubba
If you redirect all unwanted web servers (such as all ad servers) to localhost, Web Bubba will serve your browser a tiny invisble image to replace the unwanted web contents. Gets rid of the error messages the browser posts without Web Bubba.