Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы




WhereIsIP is an interesting and powerful Internet tool to help you know the geographic location of an internet user who you are interested with . You can use it to find where a member of chatroom or email sender even ICQ friend TRULY come from.

WhereWasI? - History Search Internet Explorer Toolbar

The WhereWasI? toolbar for internet explorer caches the words used on web sites you visit. Allowing you to quickly return to those sites by typing some words that you remember were part of the page or its address.


Whirlwords is an extended version of the familiar pencil-and-paper word chain puzzles in which you connect two words by changing one letter at a time. Over 100 puzzles, nifty graphical interface, built-in editor, on-line help, extensive vocabulary.

WHIST Card Game From Special K

Play the classic card games of WHIST! Play against the computer, with between 2 and 4 players. Use Windows 95+ to achieve the realistic atmosphere of a Whist game with animation and sound. Play Standard Whist rules, or Knock Out Whist rules.

Whitehouse Mambo Parody Screensaver

Party with Bill as he dances through his line of leading ladies! This hilarious follow-up to the Clinton Blues is a veritable dance fest featuring The Prez himself singing and dancing with each of the ladies in his past and present.

WhiteSmoke Enrichment

Innovative technology used to upgrade your sentence into a more sophisticated, professional sentence, in less then a second. Become an English expert! Commercial, legal ,medical and literary versions are available.

WhizFolder Viewer

WhizFolder Viewer is a freeware ebook application that allows viewing of WhizFolder hypertext documents created by anyone. Hence, the authors and writers can distribute and share their work with others as electronic books in WhizFolder documents.

WhizFolders Organizer Pro

Use an explorer-style list to create, outline and brainstorm your notes and ideas. Unique hyperlink enabled interface for an organizer, a word processor and a clipboard collector. Write well-connectd notes and find and learn your notes easily.

Whizlabs Cisco CCNA Exam (640-607) Simulator

Ensure your success in Cisco CCNA exam (640-607) with Whizlabs simulator, the most effective training software for the Cisco certification exams. Developed by highly experienced and certified professionals, it offers 5 mock exams (250 questions) on t

Whizlabs Cisco CCNP Exam (640-604) Simulator

Ensure your success in Cisco CCNP exam (640-604) with Whizlabs simulator, the most effective training software for the Cisco certification exams. Developed by highly experienced and certified professionals, it offers 5 mock exams (280 questions) on t

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У многих людей сочинение стихов - это болезнь роста ума.
Г. Лихтенберг


Герр Пушке вернулся от ветеринара домой и, вздыхая, го-
ворит жене:
-- Наш бедный песик! Он всю дорогу скулил, скулил, будто
хотел мне что-то сказать...
Глянув на пса, супруга воскликнула:
-- Идиот! Этот песик хотел сказать тебе, что он не наш.


Как ни думай,ни ворочай Хуй пизды всегда короче!

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