WordZap Deluxe
WordZap(R) 6.51 is a Shareware word game where you race your computer opponent to create the most unique words from a given set of letters. When opponents make the same word, it is Zapped from both lists. Keyboard input and beautiful graphics!
The word game with zip! Find words or make words by scrolling rows and columns! Be quick: letters pop off faster and faster. Use power words and gems. Watch out for rust, stitches and rips! Feed the mouse with cheese. Synergistic, exciting game play!
Activity Timer
Find out how many hours you spend on activities. Musical alarms. Eye protection reminders. Databases with details of ttimes for each day. Tray icon with pie chart to show amount of time in current session. Teach Activity Tmer to speak your language.
Work Time Calculator
Display remaining work time based on start time, ending time, and hours worked in a time.
Work With Registry
The useful utility for scaning and cleaning your system Windows registry.
WorkCentrics for Microsoft Office
WorkCentrics is a time tracking and activity management solution that integrates, in real-time, with Microsoft Outlook. Use simple TimeCard interface to manage the links between your time and your Outlook tasks, appointments, notes and messages.
WorkgroupMail Mail Server
WorkgroupMail is a full featured mail server, which can provide any size organization with secure and dependable messaging.
WorkManager Pro
WorkManager Pro lets you automate working with multiple tasks on a PC. With this handy tool you can arrange as many tasks (programs, documents, URLs and system commands) as you need into one Work. This Work can be run with just one click!
WorkRoll Bug Tracker
Web-based bug tracker with Windows installer, no app server needed (one is included, or use your own). No db required. Installation, config, admin, and general use are fully web-based. Filtering, softing, file attachments, tiered authentication.
Workshelf is a powerful and intuitive desktop organization tool that allows you to arrange frequently used files, folders and applications into their own groups and categories, providing quick access without disrupting your work environment.