
Zilla Data Nuker
SecurelyShreds sensitive files so they cannot be recovered or undeleted. Includes disk free space shredder - destroy previously deleted files on your hard drive. Shred Files, Folders, Recycle bin, drag & shred, DoD conform. Shred locked files & more.
Zilla MP3 Finder
Zilla Mp3 Finder is the ultimate tool to locate and retrieve MP3 files on the net. It uses the top MP3 search engines available on the net today. It not only finds the music you want, it also verifies the search results, lets you download &listen.
Zilla Popup Killer
Block pesky ads, popups, pop under & spying cookies in Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla, AOL, Opera. Can also be started manually or at windows startup or with your browser window startup. Instant Notification - Play one of many sounds.
Zilla Video Converter-Decompiler
Universal Video File Converter-Decompiler for MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, AVI (Windows Video), WMV (Windows Media Video), ASF & RM (Real Media). Apply a variety of effects during conversion. Extract Single Video Frames to Image Files.
Zilla WinCleaner N' Optimizer
Zilla WinCleaner N' Optimizer is like having your own personal cleaning company for your WindowsВ® computer. Like a professional cleaner, the program knows exactly what kind of dirt to look for, where to find it & how to get rid of it efficiently.
Transfer files easily using this intuitive and powerful full-featured FTP client. ZillaFTP is a multithreaded FTP client for Windows that lets you update a Web site with a single click and resume interrupted downloads or uploads.
ZillaFTP - FTP Client For Windows
Transfer files easily using this intuitive and powerful full-featured FTP client. ZillaFTP is a multithreaded FTP client for Windows that lets you update a Web site with a single click and resume interrupted downloads or uploads.
Zillions of Games 2
The demo has 48 free games/puzzles including Reversi, Checkers, Chinese Chess, Blobs, Jungle, Losing Chess, Mini-Go, Dodgem, etc. The full version contains over 350, plus the ability to script your own game rules and download new games from the web.
Zion National Park
Beautiful views of Zion National Park show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
Zip & Email
Zip & Email is a small utility that allows you to email files from Windows Explorer instantly. The files can be automatically packed using ZIP compression, which will dramatically decrease the send time.
Любовь - астролябия истины. Руми
На учредительном собрании нового колхоза стоит вопрос названии. - я предлагаю "Заветы Ильича"! - название хорошее, - говорит инструктор райкома, - но, товарищи, в нашей области уже есть восемь колхозов с таким наз- ванием. - я предлагаю "Путь к коммунизму"! - хорошее название, - говорит инструктор, - но в нашей об- ласти уже есть двенадцать колхозов с таким названием. - я предлагаю, - говорит старик из сельских грамотеев, - колхоз имени Лопе де-Вега! - что за странное название, товарищ? - звучит красиво! - да что красивого-то? - да уж больно похоже на "... твою мать"!
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