
CalendarPro is an easy-to-use calendar designed for Microsoft Windows that allows you to quickly look up dates and set reminders for yourself. CalendarPro is a fast utility with little overhead, and stays quietly out of your way until you need it.
KGB Spy Software
KGB Spy Software is a multifunctional keyboard tracking software (a.k.a. key logger) that is widely used by both regular users and IT security specialists to record keystrokes.
Holiday Stories
Ms Hart reminisces past holidays and offer her family traditions as ideas and guide to build your own. She also reflects on basic values of those holidays which values are sorely lacking nowadays.
04X - Alien Eliminator
04X - Alien Eliminator is a classic arcade space shooter with more than a dozen different enemies, 6 mission, more than 30 handcrafted levels, lots of powerups, unlimited computer generated levels, and more.
NeonJax 3D SDK
NeonJax3D is a software-rendered 3D screensaver demo which supports stereo LCD glasses. It features a cool color-changing plasma background and an object consisting of 1,000 Points of Light, in addition to traditional polygon objects.
Easy to use interface makes this animator by an irreplaceable tool for people who like the speed and the power at the same time. Creating animated file for five steps. Preview. Adding a text. Flipping and cloning for frame. Adding a sound into AVI
Amara Flash Menu Maker
With Amara Flash Menu Maker you can create professional Flash buttons and menus for your web site fast and easily. Create navigation bars, scrolling menus and sub menus in minutes for your website.
Hijri-Cal (Islamic Calendar)
Perpetual Islamic Hijri Calendar & Converter. Displays Islamic/Gregorian dates in a dual calendar. It runs on your desktop TaskBar besides the windows clock. Date Prediction method is based on moon-phase data rather than an algorithm (more accurate).
Tons of kid-friendly tools, all in a fully integrated kid-safe environment. Includes easy-to-use tools for children to Write, Draw, Paint, Flashcards; plus a calculator, puzzle, clock, calendar, and much more.
DoInventory Plus
DoInventory™ is your total asset tracking and inventory software for Palm OS®, Pocket PC, and Windows Mobile handheld PDAs and Windows PCs! Inventory your home, office, business, collections, etc. Carry your inventory with you.
Жизнь - игра. Б. Грасиан
В детском саду - ЧП: дети стали нецензурно выражаться. За ведующая пошла жаловаться в соседнюю воинскую часть, откуда присылали двух солдат чинить в детском саду электричество. Лей- тенант вызвал провинившихся. - никак нет, товарищ лейтенант, ничего себе такого не поз- воляли. Рядовой Сидоров паял провода, я держал внизу стремянку. Потом олово стало капать мне на голову. - ну и ты? - я и говорю: "рядовой Сидоров, разве ты не видишь, что твоему товарищу на лоб падают капли расплавленного олова?"
Копаетесь, как свинья в апельсинах, не знаете, где край, а где конец!