
Without each requirement on a certain Elegance it fits, where is to be marked neutrally and loosely. Now with 4 self-willed Fonts with in each case up to 1.300 Kerningpairs provide for a balanced typeface.
David's Backgammon
Ready for a fun game of backgammon? Try this excellent, top-ranked, feature packed, easy to use backgammon game.
Has just about any option or feature that you would like including 5 skill levels for all levels of player, from beginner to expert.
EZMem Optimizer
Emsa EZMem Optimizer is a very simple Free RAM utility. Users that like simplicity, may indeed like this
program. Just one click of a button - and in a few seconds your system recovers valuable RAM. Freeware.
Doctor O's Monkey Masher
A fast paced game that pits you against the mashers of Doctor O's machine. To win you must safely guide your monkeys through hundreds of levels filled with deadly mashers that crash together at different speeds and directions.
Global Defense Network
The GDN is a combination of fast paced shooter and rhythm action game with an intriguing sci-fi plot spread evenly throughout.
DTgrafic Bus Stop 3
This interactive cartoon screensaver portrays life at a bus stop, which changes according to the time of day and the season of the year. The designs of the bus and the lorry can be customised as required. With integral MP3 player.
AZ Image
A program to quickly convert between several image formats. It can handle huge amount of files, resize and correct quality on the fly.More it can create even animated gifs from your files.
HTTrack Website Copier
HTTrack is an offline browser utility. It allows you to download a website from the Internet to a local directory : simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site as if you were viewing it online.
Code Metrics
Code Metrics provides project-wide reports, graphs, and data-mining drilling down into single-file analyses, visualizations, and historical information. Export data to Excel, HTML, XML, or a database.
Link Logger - Zywall 3.52
Affordable professional logging tool with all the features including remote notification, custom alarms, hostname and whois lookups, network messaging, automatic data management, historical searches, description of port services, online updates, etc.
Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. Б. Шоу
В квартире Брежнева звонит телефон. Жена поднимает трубку - позовите Леню, - просит женский голос. - а кто это говорит? - его школьная подруга. - б... ты, а не школьная подруга! Леня никогда и в школу-то не ходил!
Тpебуется член учебного совета. Влюбленный, $200 в месяц, Hеобходимы ppекомендации.