Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



ArtumSoft Universal Password Generator

Generates the passwords with provision for any available(supposed) to information on forgotten password to some objects. Allows repeatedly to shorten period which selects the passwords, or in general to make real such selection.

Argentum MyFiles

Argentum MyFiles is a cataloging tool that keeps your files organized. It can be used as a file organizer, a disk cataloger, a music organizer, a digital audio MP3 and WMA collection, a photo album, a software catalog and more.

Mortgage Loan Software

Mortgage service software solution. It includes financial calculation tools and everything else you need. Original appearance will attract more customers. The Mortgage Software lets you know how each payment affects your personal finance.

Home bookkeeping

"Home bookkeeping" has been designed to save your personal expenses. "Home bookkeeping" presents the following features: recording the expenses, incomes, credits and debts, planning, a detailed report, diagrams constructing, printing, exporting.

Icon Searcher

This tool scans all local hard disks for icons of various file formats and extracts them from files to a more user-friendly visual image list. This also stores found icons in a database and compresses them.

JDDM (Java Drop Down Menu) - web menu

JDDM is a professional Java drop-down and popup Web Menu applet. JDDM lets you generate vertical and horizontal menus with unlimited number of nested pop-up submenus, various color schemes, buttons, fonts, icons and sounds.

Directory Snoop

File search, recovery, and wipe utility for Windows 95 - XP. Recover deleted files and data from individual clusters. Display raw directory structures and purge erased file names. Snoop through files and clusters with advanced search functions.

Encrypt PDF SDK-COM Component

Encrypt PDF SDK-COM allows you to encrypt (using standard 40-bit or 128-bit supported by Acrobat Reader 5.0 and up) existing PDFs.

Family Photo

Show off those adorable grandkids! The Family Photo screen saver displays images downloaded from your digital camera. Fun artistic filters such as oil paint, antique and pop-art keep your pictures lively again and again.

A.M.L. - Full Edition : Advanced Media Library

The Elefun Company has released A.M.L. - Advanced Multimedia Library. This Multimedia Library is intended for games' and multimedia applications' developers. A.M.L. is an effective multimedia library, capable of playing practically all audio format.

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Лучше верное и некрасивое, чем красивое, но неверное.
Д. Мирандола


Некий человек по имени Ператин со слезами сказал сво-
ему сыну и соседям: "В саду у меня растет дерево, приносящее не-
счастье: на нем повесилась первая моя жена, затем вторая и, на-
конец, третья, и потому я в неутешном горе". Один из слышавших
его жалобы, по имени Аррий, сказал: "Я удивляюсь, что ты горю-
ешь в подобных обстоятельствах. Дай мне, будь добр, три побега
этого дерева, и я раздам их соседям: пусть у каждого будет сук, на
котором могла бы повеситься его жена". Так Ператин и поступил.


От импотенции еще ни кто не умирал,правда ни кто и не рождался.

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