Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



Gem Slider

Gem Slider is a new puzzle game on a board featuring lots of combinations. There are four different games in one, each game with four game modes and four skill levels. Enjoy improved graphics with lots of new features.

Speed SQL IDE Pro

Speed SQL IDE is the leading tool for database object development on the SQL Server platform. Its unique graphical object editors which incorporate many of the features that developers look for in an IDE.

Investment Analysis Software

Easily analyze the performance of any investment to maximize returns. Compare and forecast investment performance, determine net worth and income streams, identify buy / sell indicators, make informed investment and retirement planning decisions.

Audition 2000

Audition is a small utility that will allow you to play sound files located in a disk directory. A play list is created of all sound files found in the selected folder. Sound files can be played individually, or the entire play list can be played.

Amiasoft SiteAid

Amiasoft SiteAid offers full HTML 4.0 Transitional support, feature rich Style Sheet support, an HTML validator, JavaScript tools, FTP support, colored syntax, spell check, advanced find/replace, full HTML and Style Sheet Help Files and much more.


MakeGIF creates animated GIFs from command line in batch mode. You can use pictures created by MS Paint, Adobe Photoshop and dozens of others programs. MakeGIF has optimization tools for making your GIFs smaller.

Australasian. Almanac

The Australasian Almanac displays solar and lunar data for every 30 minutes throughout the day in addition to the times of rise, set and twilight. The phases of the moon and solar illumination are also calculated.

Folder Guard Professional

Powerful security and access control utility for Windows Me/9x and Windows XP/2000/NT that lets you hide or password-protect files and folders, as well as restrict access to other resources. http://www.winability.com/

Magic Charts

Tool to follow the stock market using Point and Figure charts. Get a full set of updated Point and Figure charts every day in your mailbox and select easily which stock to buy and sell with the new Buy the Winner view. Comes with build in portfolio.

ezimerchant Professional

ezimerchant Professional will allow the small business owner to quickly build a web site with complete e-commerce facilities. Do you have products that you would like to sell on the Internet? ezimerchant Professional is for you!

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Закон - паутина: маленькие насекомые погибают в ней, крупные же благополучно пробиваются.


Проснувшись утром, Мэри сказала мужу:
-- Знаешь, любимый, приснилось, что ты подарил мне жемчуж-
ное ожерелье на годовщину нашей свадьбы. Что бы это могло значить?
-- Скоро узнаешь,-- с таинственным видом пообещал муж.
Вечером он пришел домой с небольшой коробкой и га-
лантно поднес ее жене. С замиранием сердца жена раскрыла ко-
робку и увидела там книгу, на обложке которой прочитала: "Уни-
версальный сонник".


Одна баба хоpошо, а две все в лес смотpят.

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