
CryptoHeaven for Java(tm)
Send and receive secure and anonymous email. Backup, store and share files online securely. Chat and exchange secure instant messages, create secure message boards. Share document folders through easy to use interface.
FindGraph is comprehensive, feature-rich graph editor, as well as a curve fitting and digitizing tool for engineers, scientists and graduate students. Convert plots back to X,Y data from any published report for later processing and manipulations.
New Dominoes
A challenging dominoes game with new & improved A.I, graphics, sounds, music & animations. Single / partnership game play. 4 level of difficulty. Multi scoring (Standard, Gaple, Five-Up). World championship & submit score to Internet and more ...
DeSofto SpamFilter
Save your traffic and time. DeSofto SpamFilter automatically kills the most of Spam immediately at the server without downloading with unique neuro-algorithm and blocks the rest of Spam for manually checking.
Password Guardian
Password Guardian is handy software database that stores all of your passwords into a single, convenient file. Password information can be stored, edited and printed easily.
Paraben's Screen Capture
Try a full featured screen capture (print screen) graphics editor. Capture regular windows screens, DirectX, Direct3D, 3dfx Glide Games (Voodoo series cards), and some video/DVD players. Once captured, you can edit and save the captures as an image.
File Renamer
Rename all your files like with the DOS command, but with a lot more options. You can batch rename files, extensions, add or remove strings, numerate filenames, replace strings, and more.. Suports Drag and Drop and has 'undo' function.
Advanced Code Librarian and Desktop Repository for all types of programming assets. Categorize each asset with multiple classifications. Intuitive directory style browsing and powerful search. Catalogs for people, organizations, websites and more.
Basic Algebra Shape-Up
Basic Algebra Shape-Up helps students master specific basic algebra skills. Concepts covered include creating formulas; using ratios, proportions, and scale; working with integers, simple and multi-step equations.
Akti Planner
Akti Planner is a visual organizer and time tracker. It features unique ability of handling recurring and any level nested appointments. Using these features, you always can model complex schedules and do time tracking with maximum possible precision
Истинный ученый - это мечтатель, а кто им не является, тот называет себя практиком. О. Бальзак
К хозяину древнего мрачного замка приехал гость. Вече- ром лакей показывает ему комнату, отведенную для ночлега. -- Скажите,-- спрашивает гость,-- не случалось ли в этой комнате чего-нибудь необыкновенного? -- Случилось лет десять тому назад,-- отвечает лакей.-- Ут- ром гость, который здесь ночевал, оказался живым.
Попутного ветра! (Чтоб тебе ДУЛО в затылок...)