
Advanced Folders Watch
Monitoring of new mail messages and posts appearing in Outook folders and public folders on MS Exchange Server. Wide set of filters, passive and/or active user notifications. Work as add-in to Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/2003.
Cades Cove Scenes Screensaver
Enjoy these photos of Cades Cove, an area in the Smoky Mountains of exquisite natural beauty. Discover the allure of the Appalachian Mountains scenery in this screensaver. Includes 20 full-screen photos and four songs. From TravelScreensavers.com.
Form Pilot Pro
Form Pilot - form filler software. It designed for filling in paper forms (of any type) on your computer. It makes typewriters obsolete! Our cartoon character will lead you through using Form Pilot Pro step by step. It also supports printer fonts.
Card 2000
Reminiscent of Microsoft Cardfile with more features, power and capability. Easily store, organize and retrieve personal information in an index card style. A multi-purpose utility, useful for contacts, recipes, passwordsand mailing lists.
Cats Mah Jong -solitaire and mah jongg multiplayer
10 charming tiles (includes cats, Christmas, Halloween) plus cat classical tile for mah jong solitaire or mah jongg.against 3 computer opponents. Features: Rotate tiles in solitaire, 150 plus layouts (includes elephant, trains, butterfly) and more.
Advanced SPAM Generator
Know how technology of e-mail addresses extraction. Improved algorithm allows to exclude illegal addresses and generate fresh mail list with unlimited number of recipients.
ACX ProfiSubmit
Profisubmit - software for the professional website promotion with ranking analyzer
Unique puzzle game plays upside down! Maneuver the rising bubbles into matching pods. Watch for nasty soap scum! See awesome digital graphics, listen to your favorite classical music, save games, pause play when you need a break, and much more.
Abracadabra is an arcade crazy, hip trip game where you and a wizard make or break bricks, find gold, buy powers and get rid of creatures. 15 free levels & over 115 levels in the full version. Tutorial in English, German, French, Japanese & Italian.
Создавайте лишь немного законов, но следите за тем, чтобы они соблюдались. Д. Локк
В день выборов избиратель получил избирательный бюллетень, н вместо того, чтобы не глядя опустить его в избирательную урну, стал читать фамилию единственного кандидата. - что вы делаете? - грозно спросил его наблюдатель в штатском. - хочу узнать, за кого я голосую. - да вы что, не знаете, что выборы тайные?!
Иногда так начнешь тормозить, что остановиться не можешь