
Brain Builder - Math Edition
Over 500 million puzzles in a fun multimedia game ensure unlimited playing time. Sharpen your problem solving by tackling math problems that are presented at precisely your level. Feedback tells how far you've progressed.
An easy-to-use music manager/jukebox for serious music collectors. It catalogs CDs, OGG, WMA, and MP3 files and includes a CD ripper, audio converter, tag editor and file renamer. It creates music mixes, and levels volume as it plays and it's free!
UFO Sokoban 3D
UFO Sokoban 3D is a 3-dimensional version of the classic logic game. The goal of the game is to push all the boxes into the specified positions. Over 52 levels available. Enjoy 3D graphic effects and wonderful music.
Guitar Shed
Integrated software tools for guitarists, bassists, and other musicians. Includes a guitar tuner, tablature organizer, tab finder, chord library, jam machine, song jammer, and much more. Everything the guitarist/musician needs, all in one package.
Cards Plus
Cards Plus combines two award winning programs into one low priced high value package. Cards Right Now lst Edition is already a bargain at $9.99. Now, for only 99 cents more you also get Life Organizer for a savings of $10 or 48% for both products.
Cresotech TypeRecorder
Cresotech TypeRecorder is easy to use and convenient utility for recording keystroke sequence while working with word processing programs, games, multimedia applications, etc. Simple way to avoid excessive manual typing by using pre-recorded macros.
Duke Nukem 3D
The Duke Nukem Screen Saver & Entertainment Pack carries forth the very essence of the Duke Nukem 3D game: blood, gore, death, and destruction!
PayLink Pro
Paylink Pro enables users to create secure payment buttons straight from their desktop for a variety of online payment processors.
Currently supported are: Paypal, Stormpay, Egold, Ebullion, Intgold and Netpay with the option to encrypt the create
DVD Holder
DVD Holder is an easy way to catagorize your dvd titles in one easy program. From listing by Star, or browsing by title you can find YOUR dvd's as easy as drinking a glass of water.
AlertMobile Pro
AlertMobile is a special software for computer security incidents response.
It monitors all attempts of unauthorized computer activity, sends SMS alerts
to mobile device, receives and handles response commands.
Трудно поверить, что человек говорит вам правду, когда вы знаете, что на его месте вы бы солгали. Г. Менкен
В первом классе тбилисской школы учительница спрашивае учеников о занятиях их отцов. - мой папа - товаровед, - отвечает один. - мой папа - директор базы, - говорит другой. - мой папа - завмаг, - говорит третий. - мой папа - инженер... класс разражается смехом. - дети, - говорит учительница, - нехорошо смеяться над чужой бедой!
кpивенник - паpень с длинными волосами