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The happy and easy way to create lots of thumbnails
Penguin Puzzle
Penguin Puzzle is a lovingly crafted puzzle game with a unique look and sound. This game just bursts with addictive game-play! A game for all ages, Penguin Puzzle has a catchy sound track, great graphics and low system requirements.
Net Connector
Net Connector is a Dial-Up Networking (RAS) utility designed to simplify Internet access and to manage unattended Internet activity. It has the ability to open a connection, launch an external program, and close the connection when the program ends.
#1 Windows Classic Casino
Online casino games to play for free or real money. Play games at the internet's most trusted casino designed for Microsoft windows. 112 games to choose from (Blackjack, Slots, Roulette, Keno,Poker, Video Poker,Craps..) Enter and Win a Ferrari FREE !
FTP Now is a fast, multi-threaded Windows FTP client software with the look-and-feel of Windows Explorer. It makes moving files between the Internet and your computer as simple as local file manipulation.
File Folder Organizer 3
Are you surrounded with an ocean of papers piled on your desk because you dread the hours it takes to do the filing? If you want an organized and orderly filing system, then you need the File Folder Organizer.
AD Happy Halloween - Animated Wallpaper
In honour of a holiday Halloween company EleFun has issued new, completely free-of-charge subject for Animated Desktop Wallpapers and Screensavers which and is called -"Happy Halloween".
Cresotech Convert-It
Cresotech CONVERT-IT is a convenient Pocket PC based tool to convert different measuring system units into each other, and much more!
Go-Go Quotations
Go-Go Quotations is sales quoting software that will save you time and money when quoting and selling products and services.
InternetVelocity is a powerful utility that dramatically increases the speed that you surf the web by configuring key TCP/IP parameters, filtering Pop-up and Banner Ads, and prefetching pages before you need them! Surf two, or three times faster!
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Я не нуждаюсь в друге, который повторяет каждый мой жест: это проделывает гораздо лучше моя тень. Плутарх
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В цветочный магазин заходит покупатель и просит про- дать ему горшок с геранью. -- К сожалению, герани у нас сегодня нет,-- отвечает прода- вец.-- Но, может быть, вас устроят хризантемы -- они намного кра- сивей и, наверняка, удовлетворят вкусу той, кому вы их подарите. -- Увы,-- отвечает покупатель.-- Хризантемы не подойдут. Я обещал жене поливать герань, пока она гостит у матери.
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Голубых вагон бежит, качается
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