Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы




DogFight is a screensaver with 3D rendered graphics. The Enterprise takes on a Bird of Prey in a desktop dogfight. v2.3 has new rerendered graphics for smoother animation. v3.0 new features: sound, speed, damage, explosions and new graphics.

Halloween Ringtone XE

a package of free key press ringtone for halloween. fit for any cell phone model of nokia, motorolaa, ericsson,siemens, etc. no need of smart sms or cable modem. absolutely free.

No Fly Zone Screensaver

Watch moving animations of military fighter jets cruising on your screen.


ODBCView is a free SQL query tool to view and export data from any OBDC database. Data is displayed on a read-only grid and can be exported to a CSV or HTML report. Note, any valid SQL statements can be executed including SQL UPDATE and DELETE stmts.


EventMeister is a Windows Event Log reader with system wide monitoring and event notification facilities. A single installation can harvest Event Log data throughout your network without the need for multiple licences.

Instant Document Search

Instant Document Search is a powerful Google-like search engine that finds local documents (that's the ones stored in your PC) in a blink of an eye. Unlike other search utilities for Windows, this program maintains and updates own document index.

AV Music Morpher

Morpher changes singer voice, add beat, make effect, change tempo. MP3 player plays & records file in multi-format. Sound editor to copy, cut, paste sample segment & mix multi track. Converter, CD ripper, burner to convert file format, rip, burn CD.

Advanced Team Scheduler

Advanced Team Scheduler ($32) is a shareware application and is targeted for experienced sport schedulers who are looking for a program that will quickly put together a schedule modeled by the contraints imposed by day to day scheduling problems.

Image Constructor

Image Constructor helps you to create pictures in form of texts and small images over some background with picture or gradient fill and import them to graphical files.

Easy Credit Card Checker

Instantly verify Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, EnRoute, American Express (AMEX), Discover, JCB and other credit card numbers.

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Причинять людям зло большей частью не так опасно, как делать им слишком много добра.
Ф. Ларошфуко


Пьянчужка выпал из окна десятого этажа, летит вниз и
взывает к Богу:
-- Боже, спаси. Боже, помоги! Пить брошу, курить брошу,
жене буду помогать, только спаси!..
На удивление, упал он в сугроб снега. Встал невредимый
и говорит:
-- Фу-фу-у!.. Каких только глупостей не наговоришь со страху...


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