Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



MM Player Pro

MM Player is a media player targeted at professionals. It introduces powerful play and error log files. It can be remotely controlled using the Inte. It introduces powerful play and error log files. It can be remotely controlled using the Internet.

A.I.Studio WatzNew

Personal web portal that keeps you informed of web site updates, forum postings, incoming mail in POP- and web-based mailboxes, software updates, stock rates, bid prices, weather conditions and any dynamic data published on the web.

Free Renju

This is a variation of the well known Japanese board game. 4 levels. Printing position and moves. Saving moves. Loading position from file or manually. Demo game. Various colors.

My Digital Photos

The Essential Companion to Your Digital Camera Connect your camera to the computer and open My Digital Photos. Views, arranges, stores, and puts captions on pictures. Makes EXE file for sharing pictures with friends.

BrowserBob Professional

Create multimedia web apps, custom browsers, interactive screensavers, presentations, virtual clients in your own design via Drag&Drop. Integrate any web-technology. Results within minutes. Make professional standalone software with ease.

IP Monitor

IP Monitor displays a computer's name and IP address in a window. If notification features are turned on, when the IP address changes, it can be sent to an email address and/or an FTP server to notify of the changes.

Euchre & Ecarte by MeggieSoft Games

MeggieSoft Games Euchre & Ecarte is a comprehensive implementation of two card games: Ecarte and Euchre (the two-player version). Play against an online opponent or against your computer with many customizable visual, audio, and game options.

Moraff CyberPinball

Play pinball on your PC. This well-rendered pinball game includes five different machines. It features 3D bumpers and flippers, an hour of music, multiple ball play, cool sound effects, and full-screen graphics.

Alert Me Jigaro

Great calendar that is lightweight on your system resources. Has printing capabilities. Adding reminders is very easy and intuitive. Reminders can be recurring and range from minutes to years. Pops up reminders from the Windows system tray.

ASP Search Engine

ASP Search Engine for IIS with remote customisation tools. This search engine provides full indexing and search facilities for any web site either on the Internet or an Intranet. An online demonstration is available.

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Не помню, кто из великих сказал: на надгробиях надо писать не то, кем человек был, а кем он мог быть.
В. Шукшин


Руководство мясокомбината в панике: по слухам, товарищ Бреж
нев в последнем выступлении подверг резкой критике качество про-
дукции комбината. К счастью, тревога оказалась ложной. Как выяс-
нилось, Леонид Ильич сказал вовсе не "сосиски сраные", а "социа-
листические страны".


Мы не на корабле "Аврора", а в 40 аудитории.

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