
HeldUp keeps any application window in full view on the desktop. HeldUp is resource friendly because it's so small (70kb), and it's simple and easy to use. Just grab the icon from the system tray, drag and drop it on the window to hold up.
Beesly's Buzzwords
Beesly's Buzzwords is fun and challenging word game! Link up honeycomb letters to help Beesly spell words and make honey. Longer words make more honey and score more points. Features gorgeous graphic and orchestal music. IGF 2004 finalist!
My Notes Center
E-Organizer and personal information manager jam-packed with features like an overstuffed sandwich. Store personal notes, e-mails, web links, phone numbers, addresses, even credit card numbers safely and securely. Download your free trial copy now!
NativeExcel suite
NativeExcel suite enables to export TDBGrid, TDataset descendants
to Excel, HTML without OLE/DDE:
-High performance (30000-40000 values per second)
-Pure Delphi source code
-Complete documentation with numerous examples
Mail Access Monitor for VisNetic MailServer
Mail Access Monitor is a simple tool that analyses mail server logs and shows how much traffic is being used by e-mail, who sends and receives most messages, where the messages are being send to and if e-mail abuse takes place in your office.
Chilkat WebMail ASP Email Component
A powerful POP3 / SMTP email client specifically designed to be used in ASP Web applications.
mail (SMTP) , read mail (POP3), attachments, HTML, S/MIME, XML import / export,
conversion, distribution lists, mail-merge, filtering, more...
Buzof enables you to automatically answer, close or minimize virtually any window. Just drag the Buzof icon and drop it onto the button you would normally click to handle the annoying message or dialog box.
OstroSoft Internet Tools
Award-winning integrated set of network (Internet) utilities.
Contains scan wizard, port and domain scanners, connection, host, service mail and html watchers,
ping, traceroute, netstat, ns lookup, ftp, whois, ph, finger and many more...
Abassis Finance Manager
Abassis is a simple to use budget and finance manager. If you want to take control of your expenses and want a program easy to use, yet more powerful than a simple spreadsheet, Abassis is the right tool for you.
BlackMagic Professional Edition
BlackMagic Professional Ed. is the ultimate tool for colorizing Black & White, Sepia, or IR (infrared) photos, or for color-correcting/ re-coloring ones with dull, faded, or inappropriate hues.
Ты никогда не будешь знать достаточно, если не будешь звать больше, чем достаточно. У. Блейк
В три часа ночи в квартире раздается телефонный звонок: -- Алло! Извините, я вас не разбудил? -- Конечно, разбудил! -- Тогда извините еще раз великодушно. Я уж лучше пере- звоню вам утром. А то вы сейчас в плохом настроении... Я по го- лосу чувствую...
- Я был горд за свою жену, что эта зараза у меня не от нее.