Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



febooti fileTweak

Change file / folder date, time (timestamp) and attributes. Expands Windows "property" tabs to display additional file properties. View file and folder content (copy file list to clipboard). View file and directory description. Easy to use.

I Live at Santa's House!

This activity center game offers kids the delightful fantasy of being an elf in Santa's House, decorating the tree, baking cookies, wrapping gifts, testing toys in the workshop, and more. Ages 3-7.


mBasics makes math worksheets for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Generate worksheets and assign them to students for testing. Automatic grading and customizable.


awContactMgr lets you manage personalized information about people. This includes the ability to track Contact, Events, Lists, Codes, Notes. The application allows you to edit and browse these. Make lists of contacts as XML or CSV

CoolSummer Nav

CoolSummer Nav is a powerful WYSIWYG applet-producing design tool for creating navigation system on Web pages.


MS Outlook calendar sharing application based on a database in a lan. Either with or without Exchange Server you can now get a overview of all appointments of all co-workers without the use of anexternal program. Just stay in Outlook.

AceReader Pro Deluxe

Speed Reading, Assessment and Online Reader Software. Improve your reading skills by training with Drills and Games. Track your progress by taking Comprehension Tests (for grades 1-12 plus adult). Read efficiently online with the Online Reader.


IECleaner cleans up all evidences of your internet activty. IECleaner has a built-in Pop-up windows killer. IECleaner lets you to define "hotkeys" and attach any necessary action.

Archibald's TriTris

Archibald's TriTris is a clone of world-famous Tetris, based on lining up tiles of the same color. Amusing and easy-to-play choice for everyone who wants to try something new. Non-violent arcade game for kids, adults, home or office.


Color codes are show as the cursor is moved in the ColorPix window. Cursor click displays the color code in web Hex, decimal Red, Green, Blue, and the color compliment. The ColorPix screen can be pasted from the clipboard or read from a file.

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Едва только дети становятся послушными, матерям становится страшно - уж не помирать ли они собрались.
Р. Эмерсон


У одного скряги испортился телевизор -- изображение
есть, а звука нет.
-- Жена,-- сказал он,-- соседи тоже смотрят телевизор. По-
проси их усилить звук.


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