
Airlook features mobile email, calendar, contacts and tasks live to MS Exchange and Lotus Domino. It has support for a wide variety of cell phones, PDAs and Laptops, and is easy to install and administer.
EquiFile FTP Client / Website Synchronizer
30 day free trial. EquiFile keeps track of all file changes for you, updating instantly. Designed for offline use with full remote directory and file cache. Configure transfer queue for uploads, downloads, rename, permissions, and deletes.
FreeCell Wizard
FreeCell Wizard is a solitaire game that includes the popular game FreeCell and 15 other similar games. It features lush graphics, large easy-to-read cards, sound, and in-depth statistics.
Dupli Find
Dupli Find is a utility that searches text files for duplicate lines. Found duplicates are reported and can also be removed by the program.
BlockPop works by integrating directly with Internet Explorer, to stop popups before the windows even become visible. This means: no flashing, and no wasted bandwidth waiting for ads to download.
BeyondEnvy - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace
Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.
Assembly Language program for splitting large files for easier distribution with CRC and Encryption. Files can be split by either the number of files that you want, the maximum file size, or you can use preset common sizes for floppies, CDs, etc...
Folder Protection
Folder Protection lets you set a password on the folders located on your hard drive, external and removable drives. Folder Protection is ideal for notebooks. Prevent confidential information from ending up in the wrong hands.
Group OfficeView
Lan IN/OUT board with automatic In and Out posting. Personalized remarks allowed. It also includes a messaging system and a screen that displays employee information.
iCash is a software intended to control your personal finance, keeping track of incomes, expenses, credits, debts and Banks transactions for you. As simple as creating the accounts you need and move money between them!
У всех одно правило: гнушаться читать что бы то ни было, если хоть раз в жизни видели автора. Ф. Петрарка
Один глупец взглянул на кур, что находились во дворе, и сказал: "О куры, когда же человек заболеет, чтобы съесть вас? Только так можно избавиться от головной боли, которую приносит ваше кудахтанье".
Если из трубы идет вертикальный дым, значит печку топят Виагрой