Abilities Builder Math Facts
Learn whole number math facts: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Prints worksheets that reinforce the on-screen activities. Multimedia program uses the Microsoft Agent Peedy the parrot character.
Chameleon Clock
Customizable tray clock which uses Winamp skins for the clockface. Features: MP3 and Audio CD alarms, time zones, birthdays, calendar, countdown, and atomic time synchronization.
Active Auction
Active Auction is web based auction software. It has many features similar to large auction sites. Features include Standard, Dutch, Reverse, and Price Drop auctions. Easy to configure and includes the full source code.
Animated Puzzles
A puzzle game for all ages. The player can choose 12, 24, 48 or
96 pieces. Hints are available to help solve a puzzle.
When a puzzle is completed it is animated using 3D graphics. The
full program comes on a CD with 55 puzzles with silly an
Magic Image Resizer
Magic Image Resizer is used to resize your digital photos and scanned pictures so you can put them on a web site or send over e-mail. It is designed to process several pictures at once and is very easy to use.
ABC Drawing School I - Animals
Learn to draw animals step by step! ABC Drawing School is a simple to use program providing easy to follow step by step instructions for drawing animals.
FTP Client Engine for Delphi
FTP client library component for Delphi that provides direct and simple control of the FTP client protocol from within a Delphi application program. Not dependant on support libraries. Supports all versions of Delphi. Multiple examples.
High Speed Verifier
High-speed software designed to remove dead email addresses from huge mailing lists with millions of addresses. Moreover, it is with this list size that the program's highest performance can be achieved.