
MouseSoft Directory Size
MDS reports where space is used on your local and network drives. Quickly identify where space is used. Export results to HTML, Text and Excel. Sort results by Size or Name
12Ghosts Backup
Keep every change of your documents while you are working on them! Automatically store changed versions in an archive folder and apply a smart filter to keep versions of all ages.
Optimize Computer
Keep your PC running faster, cleaner, and error free with Optimize Computer! This award wining application is a suite of 7 powerful tools designed to increase the performance of your computer. Free trial available for download.
Paragon Poker Pal
A neat poker calculator that provides the winning odds on any Hold Em/Stud/Omaha poker hand. Sees your cards as they are dealt and Poker Pal will tell you the odds of winning as a % and suggest the correct play based on your settings
AMI Ultimate Screen Clock
Integrate a digital or analog clock with your desktop, schedule reminders and other tasks up to a century in advance, keep your system clock accurate with an Internet atomic clock time server, display your clock as a screen saver and much more.
Desktop Dozen
An amazing 12-tool collection! Postage Calculator, Time Calculator, Date Calculator, Alarm Clock, Area Code Finder, Zip Code Finder, Astronomy Calculator, State Abbreviations, Perpetual Calendar, Measurement Converter, Stopwatch, Printing Calculator.
PDF Layout
Change the startup options for your PDF files. You may decide whether to hide toolbar and menubar, display document title, resize window on startup, center window, hide window user interface or not.
Fisheye Player
Fisheye Player create 360 degree Panorama,Version 2.0 Add Video(AVI) Creation function,Use single shot Fisheye image. With Web/Windows Published generates Java Applet and Executable File. No Stitching needed.
CafeTimePro - Public Access Internet Kiosk Timer Software
CafeTimePro converts a desktop computer into a secure Internet/Application kiosk for public access. Includes CafeShop P.O.S. Simple Interface, Multiple Languages, Timers, Security, Variable or fixed rates, Prepay or Cash or Acceptor ready
Software for taking notes using electronic index cards. Search notes by keywords, sources, authors. Use the notes as pictures or as content. Organize notes to write a research paper or prepare a presentation. Share with team mates and collaborate.
Нередко нам пришлось бы стыдиться своих самых благородных поступков, если бы окружающим были известны наши побуждения. Ф. Ларошфуко
Житель из провинции приехал в город. Видит, на двери надпись: "Вход воспрещен". -- Ну и чудаки эти городские,-- говорит сам себе,-- Сначала сделают дверь, а потом в нее не входят. Для чего было делать?!
В зоопарке. - Вы здесь такого маленького мальчика не видели? Нет? Идемте, покажу...