
MTG Studio
New MTG Software. MTG Studio - Deck Editor.
MTG Studio is Magic the Gathering® deck editor. The product has various deck creation and edition capabilities (advanced multiple-critetia searches, filters and user-defined grouping).
Pepys Personal Edition
Pepys is a powerful hypertext enabled notebook designed for individuals and small workgroups. It works in a similar way to a WikiWikiWeb. However, unlike a WikiWikiWeb, Pepys does not require a web server or any kind of administrative access.
Acoustica Audio Converter Pro
Convert MP3, OGG, WMA, WAV and rip CDs with a single right click of the mouse! A professional high quality 32 bit audio engine with built in anti aliiasing ensures the highest quality conversions. Easy to use and gets the job done!
Ballooneys Lite Screensaver
Pop balloons and more with this animated, fun, free, interactive screensaver with sound.
Ballooneys includes 4 different savers. Choose a message with font style and color. Up to 10 balloons with 4 different designes.
Allbuttons Web Menu builder
AllButtons lets you create professional buttons and menus for your web site fast and easily. All the web buttons and web menus you'll ever need for your website , you can now make yourself in no-time.
Exact Mouse
Exact Mouse increases mouse usability by increasing user control over movement, generating customizable rulers and bookmarking pointer locations. Also, Exact Mouse provides magnifier and color identification tools.
GoldenSection Notes
GSNotes is a user-friendly e-notebook that organizes your notes in a folder tree format for your convenience and works as a word processor. The program has received dozens of awards and supports over 20 languages. Download your copy now!
Scientists and engineers can perform complex signal analysis without programming by selecting menu items that determine how the computer will analyze and present data.
LangPad - German Characters
LangPad - German Characters provides an easy way to insert German language characters and symbols into your WordPad and Notepad text. Click the mouse on a character or symbol in the chart, and it will be inserted into your text.
Get rid of needless apps the best way. Speed up Windows!
* edit, execute and do whatever you want with these applications in only few clicks
* keep these applications not starting by using the unique The Black List feature
Люди мелкого ума чувствительны к мелким обидам, люди большого ума всё замечают и ни на что не обижаются. Ларошфуко
-- Тебе понравился сегодня обед? -- спрашивает жена мужа. -- Ты опять ищешь повод для ссоры?
Ушел. громко хлопнув форточкой