Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



Desktop Lectionary

The Desktop Lectionary shows you the first few lines of the week's current Bible readings selected from the lectionary in a small box that's always there on your desktop, stimulating you to contemplate these scriptures.


Share your MS Outlook Contacts Folder with your co-workers and friends without a server.You and your teammates will be able to create, update and edit contacts in the shared folders.

Disk Space Recovery Wizard

Reclaim hundreds of Megabytes of wasted space by over 50 types of junk files, temp files, garbage data, cookies, temp files, redundant files, setup files, etc.

Jet-Hits Plus 2002

New Platium Version submits to over 825,000+ sites and allows customized reports, and includes automated scheduling, keyword ranking, a doorway page generator. True-Guard Protection prevents promotion mistakes! Top Commercial Promotion Program.

SS Happy Helloween - Free animated screensavers

In honour of a holiday Halloween company EleFun has issued new, completely free-of-charge subject for Animated Desktop Wallpapers and Screensavers which and is called -"Happy Halloween".

MIDIoz Arp Lite

With this software you configure a "music engine" adjust its settings and makes of your soundcard or any MIDI synth a powerfull music machine, algorithmically generate music for arpeggios, ambiental sounds etc..

Picture Patrol Officer XP

Thousands of free pictures can be downloaded from the Usenet newsgroups, but it takes a lot of effort without the right tool. Using Picture Patrol Officer XP, your computer performs this task automatically without requiring much of your time.


ImageDupeless - the program is intended for search/find of the similar images (duplicates) in the large galleries (collections). There are advanced opportunities of cataloging the galleries available on CDs and of further off-line work with them.

Break Reminder

Break Reminder is designed to prevent and assist convalscence of OOS/RSI. Runs in the background monitoring computer use, giving appropriate pause and/or break reminders. Highly user configurable. Logs events. Many users around the World love it.

Hackers Coloring Book

Change 11 items fast, compare 2 pages side by side, make style sheet. Hex or decimal numbers, different fonts, different sizes. There are LOTS of color pickers out there, many of them are slow, most only show one color at a time.

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Знание - в действии.
Эразм Роттердамский


-- Лючия, правда, у меня красивая шляпка?
-- Изумительная, милочка, но мне кажется, тебе следует ее
носить по-другому.
- Как?
-- В коробке.


Расстройство - промежуточная стадия между раздвоением личности и четвертованием.

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