
GridinSoft Backup
GridinSoft Backup is a powerful tool that protects your data from irreparable loss or damage. Integrated ZIP compression, support backup storage FTP and network, backup of several folders at a time, can be used as independently, and with any scheduler tasks.
Currency Server
Advanced currency information and conversion services. COM/ActiveX, .NET and SOAP interfaces, multiple data sources, high performance, fault tolerance, easy administration, compliance with euro (triangulation, rounding, past and future currencies).
PC PhoneHome
PC PhoneHome sends a stealth email message containing its exact location to a pre-determined email address of the users choice. Recovery agents at PC PhoneHome work with global ISPs and the local police to recover the stolen computer.
Mizo - CD Librarian
Mizo - CD Librarian stores a copy of a CD's directory structure and its file information in its database. The stored information can then be searched for files or directories. The entire structure of the scanned CD can be simulated.
If you like billiards but seek for something new in this old favorite - try this free game. It matches any mood and condition, it may let you be tense or relax and it won't let you have a tedious time anyway. Free to play and download.
HTMLXpress Demo
HTMLXpress is an ActiveX component for online HTML creation and management. HTMLXpress usage can be done online and offline. It can successfully create HTML documents completely ready for online publication and/or database insertion.
AG::Alpine Lake - The Animated 3D Tetris
Alpine Lake - The Animated Tetris is a new game from Animated Game Series by Elefun Multimedia. This new series is a suite of animated nature landscapes, at the background of which runs Tetris - the most popular game in the world, known to each user.
Billiard Master
Excellent billiard and pool simulation game for PocketPC with realistic physics and good hi-res graphics.
8Ball, 9Ball and Practice games.
True ball rotations. Looks perfect.
Ball direction hint.
Ball spinning control.
Cue raise/lower control.
Encryption Workshop
Currently nine strong symmetrical block ciphers are implemented: BLOWFISH, GOST, RC 4, DES, Skipjack, TWOFISH, TEA and XOR. Any type of file can be encrypted/decrypted, not only ZIP files.
Active Media Eclipse v.3 Personal Edition
Active Media Eclipse v.3 Personal Edition is the best Free Screen Saver Authoring Toolkit available. Upgrade to the Developer Edition and start to send Screen Savers to other PC's, family and friends...
Книга - не оттиск души, но просто дозволенный отдых. Овидий
Несколько человек играют в карты. Рядом с ними примо- стился человек, который все время советует: -- Давайте королем! Нет, нет, не так! Тузом надо, тузом! А теперь дамой! В конце концов непрошеные советы так надоели играв- шему, что он встал и сказал советчику: -- Садитесь вы на мое место, если вам так хочется, и играйте. -- Спасибо, а во что вы играете?
Что естественно, то не без оргазма