
3D Multi Series Bar Graph
This applet is designed to take multiple series of numerical data and display the information as a 3D Multi series Bar Chart. The applet will automatically size itself to the available area given to it by the HTML form.
3D Multi Series Column Chart
This applet is designed to take multiple series of numerical data and display the information as a 3D Multi series Column Chart. The applet will automatically size itself to the available area given to it by the HTML form.
2D/3D Stacked Bar Graph Software
2D / 3D Vertical Bar Graph provides both a client and server side solution for the incorporation of bar graphs into web pages. Versatile components enable web authors and Java developers to easily build and publish dynamic bar graphs
3D Multi Series Stacked Column Graph
This applet is designed to take multiple series of numerical data and display the information as a 3D Multi series Stacked Column Chart. The applet will automatically size itself to the available area given to it by the HTML form.
3D Mystic Skull
Mystic Skull is a 3D high-poly screensaver that makes the best Halloween gift. The model of the skull is very high quality and can be rotated in different planes. In addition, the software comes with a set of sinister laughter and spooky noises.
3D Psycho Clock Screensaver
This 3D Clock Features are: Specially designed 3D atmosphere, Unique sound environment, 3D animations, Adjustable 3D settings, Cameras Selection, Lights Selection ,Sounds and Music Selection, High quality textures (Psycho).
3D Shop ModelScan
A powerful CAD files viewer, easy to learn and use, open to most CAD formats with a modern interface that comply with today standards. Works on several documents simultaneouslly. Uses the exact geometry of the models.
3D Shop Shareware
A solid modeler with drawing capabilities. Easy to learn, with a modern interface that comply with today standards. A very affordable way to learn 3D. 3D Shop Shareware is fully compatible with the 3D Shop Xpert range of applications.
3D Shop ModelView
ModelView is an exact 3D model geometry viewer that allows the
manipulation of CAD data. This open viewer provides wide access to 3D models
in the most popular file formats (dxf, Step, VRML, IGES, CATIA, UG, Pro/E, ACIS, PARASOLID) and data standards
(brep, stl, wrl, stp)
3D Slot Car Racing Game
The game is fully functional and comes with one track and one car.
After installing, you must enter a registration key, which you can get
using a form on the Ohmikron.com website.
То, что не убьет тебя, сделает тебя сильным. Ф. Ницше
Дошли до городка слухи, что скоро будет война. Опасаясь за свое добро, люди прежде всего подумали о колоколах на рату- ше -- как бы их не сняли, чтобы на пушки перелить. Посовещались и порешили утопить колокола в озере, а когда война окончится, снова их со дна озера поднять и повесить на место. Погрузили ко- локола на большую ладью, выехали на середину озера, но тут один закричал: -- Стойте, братцы! А как же мы место это найдем? -- Мне бы твои заботы! -- ответил городской голова. Встал и сделал зарубку на борту ладьи,-- Вот, где я зарубку зарубил, здесь мы их и найдем. На том и порешили, столкнули колокола в воду. А через год, когда беда миновала, они опять сели в ладью и поплыли ко- локола со дна поднимать. Зарубку на борту нашли, а колоколов не смогли отыскать...
Скоро в госдуме "Яблоку" будет негде упасть, а Жириновскому сесть