7Way Email Checker
7Way Email Checker is a full-featured email checker that alerts you when new messages arrive in your POP3 e-mail account. It's easy to configure and it offers advanced notification options. Very easy and simple to use. Defends your mail from i-worms.
4TOPS Document Management in MS Access 2000
4TOPS Document Management for creating and managing documents using your MS Access Database. Create documents with content from your database. Instantly find and share documents. View all information on the document in in an Access form.
4TOPS Document Management in MS Access 97
4TOPS Document Management for creating and managing documents using your MS Access Database. Create documents with content from your database. Instantly find and share documents. View all information on the document in in an Access form.
4TOPS Document Management in MS Access XP/03
4TOPS Document Management for creating and managing documents using your MS Access Database. Create documents with content from your database. Instantly find and share documents. View all information on the document in in an Access form.
5 Star Word Engine
Think you're pretty good at Scrabble? Hardly anyone can beat you at Boggle? Then try this one! From a randomly selected set of letters it is you versus the computer to find the longest word.
Warning: The game is highly addictive!
A PDF2Image Converter
ABC Amber PDF2Image Converter was developed to help you convert your PDF documents to any graphics format you wish (BMP, WMF, EMF, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, PCX, PCC, DCX, PBM, PGM, PPM, TGA, VST, AFI). The software supports a command line and more than 5
7000 Years Calendar
Local time and date for any locations on Earth, 12 calendars, holidays and memorial days of many countries and religions, Sun, Moon, and Planets (coordinates and time of rise/transit/set), vernal/autumnal equinox/solstice, solar and lunar eclipses.
A-PDF Merger Command line
A-PDF Merger Command line(PMCMD) is a windows console utilty that merges two or more Acobat PDF files into one ducoument. PDFCMD is a standalone program, does not need Adobe Acrobat. bThe trial download is the windows version (not console version)/b