Crazy Spheres
Run over and pop colorful spheres and watch them explode in a firework of colors! A colorful game with many options such as 2D, 3D, and Hyper 3D modes. Avoid enemies, collect spheres, and go wild when you get a speed boost, or power up.
CRC32 COM Component
The com component will quickly generate a CRC32 checksum in hex or numeric.
Create Floor Schedules for Your Employees
Assigns up to 50 people on a random basis to up to 6 daily shifts for a one-month period. It is well suited for use in creating floor schedules for real estate offices or similar applications where an individual works only a few shifts each month.
Create Student Class Schedules with Excel
The program was developed to schedule Adult Day Care activities and has applications in scheduling students to other types of classes. It tracks class sizes as you make student assignments and it creates various class rosters and schedules.
Create Your Business Cards
Design and print professional looking business cards in minutes with
“Create Your Business Cards” . It comes with many pre-made templates saving you the time of designing your business card from scratch!
| provides free internet solutions to permit users to accept on-line information from visitors. Users can create one or more on-line form in minutes as no programming is required.
| is a bilingual cribbage card game. Play crib against the computer or online over TCP/IP. Many feature for rookies to learn and lots of game settings. est un jeu de cribbage bilingue qui joue contre l'ordinateur ou en-ligne.
CribSol - Cribbage Solitaire by
Play by building four cribbage hands one row at a time until four hands of four cards have been built. Then the crib hand and the "cut" card are shown and the score is tallied. You win the CribSol by breaking 180 points over 5 rounds.
Crime Catcher
Crime Catcher is software for your webcam that allows your computer to act as a security system. The software will monitor for motion and if detected actions can take place, e.g: save images, play sounds, email notification, and launch programs.
Criminal Tango
A board/dice game for 1-6 players. Try to steal, plunder and betray other players and sooner or later you will find yourself in the prison because the police don't sleep in the game