Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



Cub Editor for MS Access 97

Cub Editor is an MS Access Report formatting wizard that allows MS Access developers, or end-users to easily create or modify attractive report layouts based on existing tables or queries. Looks like the MS Access report wizard, only it's better.


Cubewar2003 is a 3D worms clone for two players that takes place in a cubular world in space. Every player has six bases and must destroy the bases of the other player. The players shoot after each other and not simultaneously.


Cubez is a very challenging puzzle game that will wreck your brain... seriously. Lots of action combined with fun-to-play puzzles, ranging in difficulty from ridiculously easy to insanely hard.

Cue Master Gold

Experience the most realistic pool available

Cuevision Network Monitor Professional

Cuevision Network Monitor is a tool for monitoring websites for load time, content, and response codes as well as servers, printers and other network devices.

Curious Critters

Beautiful views of unusual western animals show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.

Custom Pictures Screensaver

How about creating screensavers with a personal touch. Like "My trip to Italy" screensaver? Or "Friends and Family" screensaver. Now you can do it with Custom Pictures Screensaver from www.deaddybear.com, and it's extremely easy too!

Custom Radio for Grand Theft Auto 3 (GTA III)

Customize the music in Grand Theft Auto today! Import your own MP3s and MP3 Playlists right into the game itself! No longer will you have to listen to the same boring music over and over in GTA III.

Custom StartUp

Custom StartUp helps you to manage which programs will be stared when Windows starts. Moreover, Custom StartUp allows you to backup and restore configurations later. Also, you can quickly apply start-up configuration and restart or shutdown your PC.


CustomerReach enables companies doing business online to directly interact with their web site visitors through live chat. Use CustomerReach to enhance customer support, customer service, sales, and marketing.

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Богомол верит бредням других людей, философ - лишь своим собственным.
А. Ривароль


Андерсон пожаловался другу, что жена совсем замучила
его натиранием полов.
-- Я дам тебе хороший совет,-- сказал друг.-- Когда она сно-
ва заставит тебя натирать полы, стукни кулаком по столу и крикни:
"Все, конец!"
Андерсон так и сделал. Но жена его только повела бровью
и сухо переспросила:
-- Чему это, интересно, конец?
-- Э... это мастике конец... -- дрожащим голосом пролепе-
тал Андерсон.


Он в объеме груди раза в три точно шире.

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