Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



Pitch ID

Pitch ID trains pitch and interval identifcation by ear with immediate feedback and scoring. Pitch ID generates unlimited questions in every major and harmonic minor key in 15 levels of graduated difficulty. Demo has first 2 levels.

Pivot Stickfigure Animator

This program makes it easy to create stick-figure animations. You can build your own stick figures and load your own backgrounds. The animations can be saved as animated gifs to be used on web pages. An example animation is included.

PIX Import for AutoCAD

PIX Import for AutoCAD is a plug-in for AutoCAD 2000, 2000i, 2002 and 2004. This plug-in gives AutoCAD the ability to import geometric data from PIX files.

PIX Import for Rhino

PIX Import for Rhino is a plug-in for Rhino. This plug-in gives Rhino the ability to import graphical data from PIX files.

Pixel Grease - Easy Image Editor

Optimizes images and makes copies with different sizes, formats and compression with one click. Auto crop and rescale images to fit specific sizes. Sharpen, trim and colour balance images. Make thumbnails, capture screenshots and generate HTML.

Slide Librarian

Excellent database program for cataloguing your slide collection. Include slide thumbnails and full-sized images in the database - see all your slides on your PC. Prepare slideshows, talks and lectures using the light table. Print slide labels.


Search and download images using several image-searching engines. Download images from any sites. Gather images from the pages you visit easily. Search and delete duplicate images from database. View images from your Hard Drive or CDs

PixGrabber Free

Search and download images using several image-searching engines. Download images from any sites. Gather images from the pages you visit easily. Search and delete duplicate images from database. View images from your Hard Drive or CDs


Pixie is an image slideshow viewer for displaying your image collections in a small and convenient resizable desktop window.


PixMatrix allows you to quickly create web photo albums and web pages.

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Высшее, до чего может подняться благодаря опытности не очень умный человек, - это находить слабости у лучших людей.
Г. Лихтенберг


Гельмут Шмидт, Жискар д'Эстен и Брежнев хвалятся дорогим
подарками. Шмидт показывает изящную табакерку с надписью "Дорого-
му Гельмуту от любящей жены". Д'Эстен - оригинальную трубку с
надписью "Дорогому Жискару от француженки - патриотки". Брежнев
вынимает золотой портсигар с бриллиантом. Надпись: "Дорогому гра-
фу Уварову от великого князя СергеЯ Александровича".


Похмелье бывает только на нечетный день пьянки.

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