Star Bill of Lading Program
Star BOL program is capable of printing all
of your BILL of Lading form requirements to
a standard Laser Printer. It saves you time
and Money everytime you use it. No more
Expensive Forms to purchase. No more hand
writing, or typing.
Star Defender
Welcome to the dangerous world of Star Defender! Enjoy the breathtaking graphics and professional music in this Space Invaders - like arcade game. Vertical-scrolling space shooter with elements of Tyrian, Raptor and Demon Star - taste it all now!
Star Envelope Printer Pro
This application makes printing your Envelopes
just so easy. Give your envelopes that
professional result.
Handles all different types of envelopes and printers.
Free support/upgrades/updates for a full year.
Fully functional download.
WireFusion Zoom
This WireFusion add-on makes it possible to easily add large zoomable images to web pages. Usefull when presenting images where high details are of importance and the bandwidth is limited.
Star Fax Cover Sheet Creator
Most companies have a standard
fax cover sheet, that is copied over and over,
then everyone just hand writes it out and
faxes it out. This does not portray a very
professional imagage. Multiple User capabilities.
All in one easy to use package
Star Men Screensaver
Star men are desired men on your desktop! Luxurious lads, Hollywood Stars is: Alec Baldwin, Antonio Banderas, Bill Pullman, Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, David Duchovny, George Clooney, Jim Carrey, John Travolta, Nicholas Cage, Robert De Niro ...
Star Monopoly
Feel like a genius of stockjobbing and can't imagine yourself out of open trade and stock-exchange deal, if you sleep and dream about vast-scale machination and stock market game but can't make it real - this free game was made to make you happy!
Star Storm
An online fast paced space shooter featuring 25 levels of play divided into 5 phases. Blast your way through waves of enemy spacecraft, avoiding mines and asteroids. Play offline or add the game to your own website.
Star Wars 3D Screensaver
Download this 3D screensaver and turn you screen into a teleport gateway to the mysterious galaxy of star wars. You will definitely appreciate the outstanding graphics and the enchanting space scenery with fascinating special effects.
Star Wraith: Shadows of Orion
Chose your role in a reactive dynamic story and engage in dogfight, team-vs-team, and cooperative multiplayer combat. Includes built-in mission editing, instant action, and several weapon classes. This space-sim has it all!
Как часто мы играем комедию, не надеясь на аплодисменты. Ежи Лец
В центре Чикаго, прямо на тротуаре, лежит мужчина. А поскольку в субботу мало кто куда торопится, собралось много зе- вак. А где зеваки, там и советы. -- Дайте бедняге глоток виски,-- прошамкала старушка. -- Ему нужен глоток свежего воздуха,-- сказали в один го- лос несколько человек. -- Дайте ему кто-нибудь глоток виски,-- повторила старушка. -- Надо вызвать "скорую"! -- Нет ли поблизости врача? -- Дайте ему глоток виски,-- твердила старушка. Шум голосов нарастал, как вдруг лежащий прокричал: -- Да заткните вы все свои глотки и делайте то, что советует эта уважаемая пожилая леди!
Я не злопамятный, я просто злой, и у меня память хорошая