Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



Wiperaser 2004

Wiperaser 2004 is a secure data deletion tool. Its primary goal is to wipe files, folders and registry entries in such a way that nobody can recover them. It works on FAT, FAT32, NTFS and NTFS5 volumes and supports three data wiping methods.


WipeUrTrax is the most advanced web browser history management and cleaning application available. Offering the unique functionality of concealing some browsing activities without having to delete the entire browser history.


WireCapture component allows you to capture media from any video source (web camera, TV Tuner, Capture Board etc) just with 3 lines of code! WireCapture does all the work with DirectShow routine, you just use our simple interface.


Smart wallpaper changer, which can do the magic with your background image via customizable templates (interactive calendar, picture mixer, memo pad, weather forecast and more). Desktop can be enlivened with clocks. Designed for big collections!


WireFusion is a professional tool for creating plugin-free interactive presentations for the web. WireFusion can be extended with add-ons to support for example interactive 3D, slide shows, MPEG video and MP3 sound.

WireFusion Professional

WireFusion is a professional authoring tool for interactive plugin-free Web3D presentations. Flash is supported and can be combined with 3D models. Add-ons for MPEG video, MP3 sound, Zoom function and more are available.

WireFusion 3D

WireFusion 3D is an add-on for WireFusion. With this add-on you can create real time interactive 3D presentations for the web. No plugin is required to view the presentations and the 3D engine, written in pure Java 1.1 code, is only 25 kb.

WireFusion MP3

Extend WireFusion with this add-on to add MP3 playback capabilities to WireFusion presentations. Supports streaming. No browser plug-in required and the player is fully Java 1.1 compatible.

WireFusion SlideShow

This WireFusion add-on makes it easy to create a slide show for your web site from a series of images. 16 transition effects are available, for example a 3D liquid effect and one where an image is folded into an airplane and flies away.

WireFusion Video

Extend WireFusion with this add-on to add video playback capabilities to WireFusion presentations. Supports MPEG-1 and allows streaming video feed. No browser plug-in required and the player is fully Java 1.1 compatible. Sound supported.

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Старайся прежде быть мудрым, а ученым - когда будешь иметь свободное время.


Французская пара едет на машине по Корсике. Полицейский
на мотоцикле догоняет их и кричит, что они превысили скорость.
-- О, это Жан,-- с облегчением сказал муж, взглянув на по-
лицейского,-- сейчас я остановлюсь, и мы все уладим. Мы вместе
с ним воевали.
Через несколько минут он вернулся, и жена саркастиче-
ски заметила:
-- Судя по твоему лицу, ты сражался с этим Жаном в разных


Что будет,если мужику отрезать ноги и одеть на него юбку? Колокольчик. Что будет,если девушке отрезать ноги и поставить ее вверх ногами? Копилка.

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