
Wiseworx .NET XButton
Wiseworx Software's .NET XButtons provides Microsoft .NET Framework-based developers with a sophisticated Windows® XP style buttons. The component fully supports image and caption alignment customization.
WiSSH Standard Edition
Windows Remote Desktop Protocol/Secure Shell (RDP/SSH) Client. WiSSH Remote Access Technology provides easy, secure, controlled remote access to systems inside your network perimeter.
Wit and Wisdom
Wit and Wisdom is a clever little Windows screen saver, designed to keep you amused and enlightened when your computer is idle. Every 15 seconds or so, your screen will be refreshed and updated with a clever thought, a famous quotation or witticism.
Without A Trace Surf Guard
Without A Trace Surf Guard is a powerful 3 in 1 privacy tool that combines a history eraser with a powerful pop up stopper and robust encryption tools that will lock down any file or folder.
WizFlow Flowcharter
Create flowcharts and similar diagrams. Drawing boxes or symbols of many shapes and connect them with lines of various types. With full zoom, OLE, graphics import and export, curves, flow symbols.
WM Recorder
WM Recorder is a revolutionary new way to record Windows Media video and audio streams.
WM Recorder is extremely easy to use. With just one click, any streamed Windows Mediaв„ў audio or video is saved as a recorded file on your PC automatically!
WMA Encoder Decoder
With the help of WMA Encoder Decoder, converting WAV PCM, MP3, Ogg Vorbis and AC3 files to WMA and decoding WMA to WAV PCM format becomes as easy as 1-2-3. Features intuitive multilingual interface as well as Audio CD ripping directly to WMA format.
WMD SWAG PalmOS Bundle
WMD SWAG quickly analyzes your observations at a disaster site and provides a fast, scientific guess of which agents of mass destruction are most likely involved. Just mark checkboxes beside any conditions you observe in the field, then view results.
WMD SWAG PocketPC Bundle
WMD SWAG quickly analyzes your observations at a disaster site and provides a fast, scientific guess of which agents of mass destruction are most likely involved. Just mark checkboxes beside any conditions you observe in the field, then view results.
wodCrypt is a lightweight component that provides strong encryption for your applications. It provides supports for most common crypto algorithms, such as:AES, DES, TripleDES, Blowfish, Cast, RC2, RC, RC5, etc...
Черная королева: Если не знаешь, что сказать, говори по-французски. Л. Кэрролл
Один из придворных императора решил заказать себе праздничный халат для приема посетителей. Портной знал, что придворный заискивает перед вельможами и груб с простыми людьми, поэтому и спросил: -- Я должен знать, когда вы будете носить этот халат. От это- го зависит его фасон. Если вы будете принимать в нем высоких сановников, то перед следует укоротить на пять теков*, если же будете принимать простых людей, то укорачивать нужно сзади. Придворный задумался на мгновение, а потом сказал: -- Коли так, мастер, то укороти и спереди и сзади.
Я Вас любил, деревья гнулись