
Hot Wax Pro
Hot Wax Pro 2 will create and insert JavaScripts, adding extra functionality to your website. Add Alerts, buttons, time and date functions, status bar scrollers as well as SPAM Solutions and Image mouseOver scripts (plus many more).
Ace Screen Capture
Ace Screen Capture -Make screen capture easier than ever with shapes through extensible and flexible framework.Register this software only $25,Once you register it,you can FREE UPDATE FOREVER with more new feature in the future.
This package implements an Artifical Neuronal Network (ANN), which is based on a backpropagtion algorithm for your Delphi or C++ Builder application.
Catfood CamSaver
Catfood CamSaver displays live video from any camera connected to your PC as a screensaver. CamSaver is easy to configure, just select the video device you wish to use and set the refresh rate. CamSaver works with any Video for Windows device.
iCarousels Visual Web Collector
A bookmark manager, off-line browser and site explorer integrated into a single visual interface pioneering the use of a new carousel display system which displays collected web pages as carousels of thumbnail images.
Nootex allows you to store various notes. Now it is as simple, as to tick off the note in a book. Simply select necessary then move the mouse upwards downwards upwards
and choose a format of preservation of a note. Your note is in "Temp container".
NetZoom for Visio 2000
NetZoom Solutions are companion products that enable users to create detailed network diagrams and presentations in a wide variety of diagramming applications including Microsoft Visio.
Mail Commander
Mail Commander is a super-fast e-mail program that does it all - from the everyday sending and receiving of e-mails to managing mailing lists and customer requests.
ABC Amber Becky Converter
An advanced tool which helps you backup and archive your important emails organized in one file, converting emails from Becky (popular email client) to any format you wish (CHM, PDF, HTML, RTF, HLP, TXT, DOC, EML, DBF, XML, CSV, XLS, etc.)
Mail Bomber
Send personalized e-mail to masses utilizing mailing lists and templates with Mail Bomber. Manage a number of separate mailing lists, write e-mail messages and keep track of feedback from your customers.
Если бы Бог, создавая мир, спросил у меня совета, я бы подсказал ему, как устроить вселенную попроще. Альфонс Мудрый
Французский путешественник на одном из тихоокеанских островов спрашивает туземца: -- Вы не боитесь забираться на такую высокую пальму за ко- косовыми орехами? -- А мы и не забираемся. За нас все делает ветер. -- А если ветра нет? -- Тогда у нас неурожайный год.
Даже в годы фашистской оккупации Тимуp и его команда пpодолжали pисовать звездочки на домах коммунистов, подпольщиков и паpтизан.