An instant favorite, this beautifully rendered strategy game is played on a hexagonal board with colored marbles. Push your opponent around--and off the board entirely--before he does the same to you.
BigSpeed Zipper
BigSpeed Zipper is a .zip format compression utility. Being simple and intuitive to use with its explorer-style interface, it boasts a large number of features the other utilities on the market do not have.
3D Stacked Horizontal Bar Graph Software
Web Enabled solution for creating Stacked Horizontal Charts & Graphs. Web Authors and Developers can easily build and publish dynamic graphs.
Free Trial and Money Back Guarantee, try it out today.
Guitar Scales Method
If you want to master guitar scales, modes, and improvisation... on all chords, in all keys, all over the fretboard... effortlessly and without hesitation... then the GUITAR SCALES METHOD multimedia course will make your dream come true!
GrafxShop-Affordable Graphics and Image Processing Tool with innumerable features like -
Screen Capture, Blending, Vector Graphics, Text Rotation, Shadow Effects,
Full Selections, lossless rotations, mirrors, oil paints, sprays and others.
AM-Zip automates your daily backups into Zip archives. There are many options to create backups, eg. include/exclude files, filetypes or directories, run batch files before/after the backup process, protect your archive with password, etc.
BeyondPTSD - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace
Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.
BeyondLack - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace
Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.
Advanced MP3 CD Burner
Enables you to burn MP3 files to audio CDs that can be played in any standard home or car stereo.
With easy to understand point and click graphical user interface you will create high-quality audio CDs from MP3 files quickly and easily.
Database Genius
Database Genius is a database tool used to
create and execute SQL statements in a easy to use graphical environment.
After executing a query, the user can format the results to create a
report and export it to many file formats
Злой человек вредит самому себе прежде, чем повредит другому. Августин
В доме новая няня. Отправляясь вечером в театр, хозяйка дает указания: -- Когда собака поест, вы ей дайте воды. Если она будет цара- паться в дверь буфета, дайте ей сухарь, если она сядет возле холо- дильника, это значит, что она хочет холодного молока, а когда она уляжется на свой коврик, надо будет осторожно укрыть ее одеялом. -- А как насчет детей? -- спрашивает няня.-- В котором часу уложить их спать? -- Детей? -- удивляется мать.-- А зачем их укладывать? Они и так всегда засыпают, как только заканчивается телевизионная программа.
П Р О Д А М: щенков средне-азиатской, южно-африканской, дальне-мавританской овчарок, а также породы русская блатная