
Card Deck
A digital flash card program to aid in the study of any subject. You are able create and edit your own cards. These cards can then be saved to a file and reopened for studying. Cards can be edited and added to a saved file.
Cerberus FTP Server
Cerberus FTP Server provides powerful, multithreaded FTP server performance without sacrificing ease-of-use.
AutoSpell for Outlook Express
Enhance Outlook Express with full-featured, automatic spell checking! AutoSpell for Outlook Express automatically checks spelling whenever you click Send. With support for over 16 languages & custom dictionaries, email messages will look their best.
Determine the tempo or BPM of a song or other piece of music by manually tapping along with the music, using your pc keyboard. Includes automatic missed beat detection, playing of a music file through your player and adding the bpm to the file.
Drive Cleanup Wizard
The Drive Cleanup Wizard helps you get rid of useless, unwanted, temporary files from your machine. You can specify custom file-types you want to search and destroy. Works across User Profiles on a machine. Handy tool for System Administrators.
EasyPeg is a photo editor with various effects for image improvement and art (unique lighting effects), edit tools include selection by color. Get your photos online with the Thumbnail Creator. Plus Screen Capturer and Image Browser.
Cryptainer LE Free Encryption Software
Encrypt any file or folder on any Windows PC. Any Media, any type of data. Cryptainer LE Free Encryption Software. Password protect any file or folder with strong Encryption. Send secure e-mail. Protects data on USB Drives, CDs and HDDs. Freeware.
AceReader (For Mac)
Productivity/Educational Self-Improvement Speed Reading Software. Read faster while on your computer. Learn to read faster both on and off your computer. Includes reading/comprehension tests.
MoreKeys lets you insert foreign letters and other symbols into your programs quickly without using complicated key combinations or changing Windows settings. One click of the mouse, and you are done!
Advanced Tetric
Advanced Tetric is a little more than just Tetris. It also includes Pentix, Color Tetris, Kids Tetris, Kids Pentix, Advanced Tetris and Advanced Pentix. There are also eight block sets to play with. Must-have for Tetris fans!
Можно убежать из отечества, но нельзя убежать от самого себя. Гораций
На серебряной свадьбе муж смущенно признается жене: -- Знаешь, дорогая, ..ведь наш брак, в сущности, следствие ошибки. -- На что ты намекаешь? -- восклицает жена. -- Да, представь себе. Ведь я свистнул тогда, чтобы остано- вить такси, а подошла ты...
Зрелость - возраст, когда мы всё ещё молоды, но с гораздо большим трудом.