
Print constants, enums, methods and properties of ActiveX objects, in color, and export the output to PDF, HTML and RTF.
ImageForge Standard
Complete editing program for creating or modifying photos, images, simple animations, filmstrips and picture albums. FEATURES: Custom brushes; Smudge and Scatter; Effects Filters; Scanner and camera support; Crop, Enlarge or Resample; more. Freeware.
AD Three Bears - Animated Wallpaper
In its product range the Elefun Company has released a new theme "Three bears" for the Animated Desktop Wallpapers and
Screensavers. The moment you see the bears you will realize that you have already seen them once.
Easy Money
Easy Money is a personal income and expense tracking program. Record line items under an unlimited number of user-defined categories. Generates simple reports and also exports data. Macro utility for recurring entries. Fast and easy to use!
Phantom Desktop Screen Saver
Phantom Desktop Screen Saver, when activated, hides all application windows, desktop icons and the MS Windows taskbar, replacing them with an empty desktop. This empty desktop can be the standard wallpaper image, or a custom bitmap.
Left-side Explorer bar Maker
You don't have to be a programmer to create your own Explorer bar.
Explorer Bar (Band) Maker is a Windows tool (one-step wizard) that lets you create your own Explorer bar from any HTML page, picture or Macromedia Flash file.
Early Mortgage Payoff
Many home owners are not fully aware how much money can be saved in interest expense by shortening the life of a mortgage. Early Mortgage Payoff was written to show the homeowner the HUGE savings that can be realized by making additional payments.
AquaPuzzle Pentic
AquaPuzzle Pentic is an amazing multilevel puzzle game in fullscreen mode with high color graphics, excellent sound and fascinating gameplay. You can change skins on the pieces of the puzzle to suit your taste. Now with new artfull skins!
Graphical network statistics showing open TCP/IP ports and their connections. Allows for printing or saving to a text file as well as the ability to hide connections to the local machine.
Npust eMail address Creator
email extractor, email collector, email creator, text editor Npust text editor -- bulk eMail address Creator is a powerful tool which greatly simplifies the process of increasing the number of your
recepients. There has never been an easier way..
Человек очень силен, когда довольствуется тем, что он есть, и очень слаб, когда хочет подняться выше человечества. Ж. Руссо
Французская пара едет на машине по Корсике. Полицейский на мотоцикле догоняет их и кричит, что они превысили скорость. -- О, это Жан,-- с облегчением сказал муж, взглянув на по- лицейского,-- сейчас я остановлюсь, и мы все уладим. Мы вместе с ним воевали. Через несколько минут он вернулся, и жена саркастиче- ски заметила: -- Судя по твоему лицу, ты сражался с этим Жаном в разных армиях..
На красный ездит тот, у кого много "зеленых"