
MobiSMS for Outlook
MobiSMS is our easy to use plugin for Outlook and Outlook Express. Synchronize Calendar events, create Inbox filters for instant SMS alerts, send bulk SMS with our advanced import module, create 'SMS Speak' with our unique SMS dictionary.
Arcade Lines Christmas Edition
Arcade Lines is a Christmas puzzle game with brilliant graphics, pulsating music and a great variety of different game modes. It is very easy to learn, but not so easy to master! You'll be hooked for hours.
ActiveDiary is a password-protected diary application. The program uses RSA and Blowfish encryption to protect your data and files. The program offers a number of integrated functions to journal your life and all of your information.
BeyondMigranes - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace
Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.
Backup for Workgroups
New disk-based, client/server, backup and disaster recovery utility for Windows workgroups. Supports scheduled changed file backup, non-redundant and encrypted file storage. Preset recovery options restore files, deleted files, or complete system.
Games Pack
Play three great games from Alawar Entertainment and GameOverGames in one games pack! Game Pack contents your favorite arcades - Bubble Bobble Nostalgie, Arkanoid The Virtual Isles and Brave Dwarves.
Miraplacid Publisher
Miraplacid Publisher converts any printable documents on your PC to images(JPEG, TIFF, etc.). New in 2.0: one installation package for both Windows 95/98/ME and 2000/XP image printer drivers.
Mini-stream Ripper
Mini-stream Ripper is a multi-channel Music Converter and CD Ripper, which makes it convenient to convert the music in CD, RM, RMVB, RMJ, RAM, RA, MP3, WMA, WMV, ASF, ASX , OGG and WAV formats into other audio file formats.
Henry's Halloween Adventure
Fun logic puzzle game with a Halloween story line. Guide Henry through 16 scenes on his Halloween adventure. Gameplay is similar to Minesweeper, but with different goals.
Женатый повеса воробью подобен. К. Прутков
Жена выиграла в лотерею десять тысяч, но боялась ска- зать больному мужу, чтобы тот на радостях не умер от разрыва сер- дца. Пошла к врачу советоваться, как быть. -- Пусть муж подойдет ко мне, придумайте какую-нибудь причину, а я уж его подготовлю,-- говорит доктор. Пришел муж, и доктор завел разговор издалека. А потом и спрашивает: -- А что бы вы, уважаемый, сделали, если б выиграли десять тысяч? -- Что бы я сделал? Отдал бы вам половину!.. Доктор, услышав это, ойкнул и упал. И умер от разрыва сердца.
Танки наступают небольшими группами по два-три человека.