
Passage Of Time
A cool and unique 3D screensaver that shows the Passage of Time - literally! Watch as the upcoming seconds march towards you in 3D, synchronized precisely with your computer's clock. Everything is configurable. You'll never lose track of time again!
1st Mail Bomber
Professional mass mailer, bulk mailer for fast sending personalized emails and mailing list management, email-based subscription on web site. Create and manage thematic mailing lists, import recipients from files, generate personalized messages.
Kinesics Text Editor
The Kinesics Text Editor is an efficient editing tool with native GUI and console versions for DOS, Linux, and Windows 3.1/9x/Me/NT4/2K. The interface is geared towards developers who feel frustrated by development environment style text editors.
The new feature-rich version of the image browser IvanView is now even more powerful. It's capable of viewing more 60 image formats and has unsurpassed conversion capabilities in 15 of the most popular formats. You simply must see it!
Butterflies Screensaver
This screensaver shows beautifuls and colorfuls images of Butterflies and Moths. These a tiny creationes simply splendid. The screen saver contains 40 pictures.
LC Copier
LC Copier is a software to create a standart photocopying machine from your scanner and printer. You may use any scanner which is TWAIN compatible.
Mixcraft Recording Studio
Mixcraft is a multitrack recording studio with effects, featuring Reverb, Delay/Echo, EQ, Compression, Flanger and Chorus, as well as resonant filters and a powerful loop editor. For great home recording, all you need is a computer and Mixcraft!
Ministry Assistant
Church management software package aimed especially at churches with a small group program. It allows you to track membership, visitors, activities, equipping, pastoral care, meetings, library items, and contributions.
Atomic Mail Sender
Save your time and money! Send thousands of messages a minute using this unique corporate broadcast and business-to-customer communication software. Edit and send HTML or plain text messages to unlimited number of recipients using Atomic Mail Sender!
ESBUnitConv Pro
User friendly Win32 Utility to easily convert between 473 units of measurement. Includes Units for Temperature, Distance, Mass, Area, Volume, Pressure, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Energy, Power, Fuel Consumption, Flow, Torque, Angles and more.
Ложное знание опаснее невежества. Б. Шоу
Приходит покупатель в магазин и просит чернил для третьего класса. -- Нет у нас таких чернил,-- отвечает продавец. -- Прошу вас, пожалуйста. Я в долгу не останусь. Нигде не могу достать. Продавщица подумала, потом написала на пузырьке: "Для третьего класса". И продала. Покупатель долго благодарил ее и да- же вручил презент. Стоявший рядом другой покупатель все видел и слышал, а потом и спрашивает: -- И много у вас бывает таких покупателей? -- Немного, но иногда появляются. Запросят такое, что го- лову сломаешь. А вам что-нибудь нужно? -- А мне дайте глобус Рязанской области.
В бюро судебно-медицинскои экспертизы направляется гр. Новицкая на предмет получения телесных повреждении.