
7art Monkeys ScreenSaver
Monkeys are our next of kin on this Planet, possibly even ancestors.
Smart, talented and very funny they make us laughing and gave us a lot of joy.
Let's enjoy them in Monkeys screensaver featuring 28-picturies impressing slideshow.
EngInSite Perl Editor Professional
If you've used Windows programming tools like Visual Basic, Visual C++ or Delphi, EngInSite Perl Editor's IDE will be familiar to you. If not, you'll find that the innovative visual environment can give you a dramatic productivity boost!
OxygenBag is the engine for fast automatic photograph color correction and face adaptive cropping. Color correction is performed under user selected standard.
Media Resizer PRO thumbnail creator
Create thumbnails and scaled copies of all your images with this powerful and flexible, yet easy to use utility. Creating image thumbnails has never been easier!
MatheMax Pro
MatheMax is an entertaining and varied program for practicing basic arithmetic operations. The calculation method is preselectable, including simple counting exercises, addition with symbols, addition/subtraction, multiplication and division.
A Great Grabber
A Great Grabber is a software to scan, search and grab the Internet. All text based webpages, like html, htm etc. are scanned for needed files and all found files are downloaded.
Store and encrypt passwords, account number for credit cards, insurance, mtg, loans, leases. Save important data for retrieval. Encrypt and Decrypt at will.
Time clock hours converter and calculator. Data can be 24 or 12 hour formats. Both daily and weekly overtime limits can be set. High and low warning levels can be set for each clock in/out period. Prints results.
InfoMagic Extra
An Organizer for People Who Hate to Organize. A simple, freeform way to keep and quickly recall the bits of facts/data/ information that swirl around your everyday life. Scheduler feature prompts you of appointments and to-dos. Has Phone Dialer.
BeyondPanic - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace
Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.
Мало есть жизней прекрасных в частностях: великие люди велики в целом. Л. Лабомель
Мендель оскорбил Абрама, обозвав его дураком. Тот по- жаловался раввину, который потребовал от обидчика публичного извинения. -- Думаете, я знаю, как это делается? -- прикидывается Мендель. -- Ничего трудного, скажешь просто: "Абрам не дурак, из- виняюсь". Настал молитвенный день. Мендель выходит на середину синагоги и говорит: -- Абрам не дурак? Извиняюсь...
Экономисты отвечают на вопросы не потому, что знают на них ответы; они отвечают потому, что их спрашивают.