Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы




Cacheman is a utility designed to improve the performance of your computer by optimizing the disk cache, memory and a number of other settings. Cacheman is able to prevent frequent paging to the hard disk, resulting in improved performance.

98/ME Smoker

A tweaking utility to get every last drop of performance from your Windows 98/Me driven computer system.

Bookmark Buddy

Organize your favorites and manage your logins simply, quickly and reliably with this intuitive bookmark manager: annotate, search, sort, check, encrypt, import, export, backup, share & print any number of bookmarks. Works with all browsers.

Flash2X EXE Packager

Package more than one flash movies into a single executable file and control whether the watchers are allowed to release flash movies to SWF files or not.

Geek Superhero

Geek Superhero watches your computer for changes, notifying you when something is altered to confirm you want to keep or reject it. This catches many of the changes made by a virus, trojan or worm; protecting your computer from harm. And much more.


ModemTest performs low level testing of dial up modems and telephone lines. Testing can be done with two modems or a single modem, independent of your ISP. ModemTest logs any data corruption and incorporates a modem speed test.

GoMail Subscription Manager

Manage subscription or unsubscription by email subject. GoMail Subscription Manager works seemlessly within Microsoft Outlook2000/2002 as a toolbar. It lets you monitor the InBox for particular subject line and automatically save/remove the sender.


EventStudio is a CASE tool for Use Case, Sequence Diagram, Message Sequence Chart and Collaboration Diagram Generation. EventStudio goes beyond UML and supports advanced constructs that make it suitable for Real-time and Embedded System Design.

Belltech Business Cards Designer Pro

Belltech Business Cards Designer Pro, a feature-rich professional quality business card designing and printing software, helps you create amazing business cards and customize your card printing according to your business card paper.


KF Whois makes it easy to look up and store domain registration details. It tracks changes to domain registrations and warns you when they are about to expire.

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Мораль - это важничанье человека перед природой.
Ф. Ницше


В антропологическом музее идет экскурсия. Молодой экс-
курсовод говорит:
-- Посмотрите сюда. Перед вами череп Петра I в пятнадца-
тилетнем возрасте. Идем дальше. Это череп Петра I в тридцати-
летнем возрасте. А это посмертный череп Петра I.
Один из экскурсантов заинтересовался рассказом и спра-
-- Простите, а как это три черепа одного человека?
-- А вы из какой группы?
-- Из взрослой.
-- Проходите! Это экскурсия для школьников.


В наше нелегкое время совершенно пропало чувство локтя. Осталось только чувство колена под зад.

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