
Onefog Xonix
Onefog Xonix is original realization of a well-known arcade QIX. It is played in a 2-dimensional arena, in which Enemy-balls bounce around. If any Enemy-balls hits the player or player's trail, the player loses a life. You'll just have to play it!
ContentSaver archives researched Web pages that could vanish from the Web or undergo major changes at any time, so that you will have a permanent record.
Mansfield Park
Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen.
At 10, Fanny Price, a poor relation, goes to live at Mansfield Park, the estate of her aunt's husband, Sir Thomas.
Historic Saint Augustine Screensaver
St. Augustine, Florida - The 'Nation's Oldest City'. Any historical buff is sure to enjoy these amazing photos. Gaze at the Spanish architecture, the religious artifacts, the Bridge of Lions, and the plethora of statues.
Easy Sticky Note
Have you ever placed little sticky notes on your monitor to remind yourself of upcoming events or things you need to do? Easy Sticky Note lets you stick notes on your monitor electronically. The notes can be moved or resized, and scheduled.
27 Tools-in-1 Wichio Browser
Multi-page browser with built-in 27 utilities: Block pop-up, Screen capture, Netstat, Download Manager, Email Alert, Web Update Alert, IP-URL Checker, etc. It is easy to use with one button for one utility, and right-clicking it to set its options.
CoffeeCup PixConverter
Convert all your digital pictures to use on your Website, sending in email, posting on auction sites and lots more. The CoffeeCup PixConverter is the easy way to batch convert your digital pictures for all your needs.
Dimwit's Dictionary
Dimwit's Dictionary is an exhaustive list of words and phrases ("dimwitticisms") that should be eradicated from our speech and writing. Many of the entries are followed by synonyms that may be used in place of the worn-out word or phrase.
Pacmania Gold
What's PacMan doing in the Wild Wild West? He is searching for the lost treasures, fighting bandits and escaping from Indian ghosts that hunt him. You might have played many PacMan remakes, but none like this one.
Мы живем в мире, где один дурак создает много дураков, а один мудрый - очень мало мудрых. Г. Лихтенберг
-- Послушайте, сосед, как вы только все это терпите? Ваша жена весь день ругается, бьет посуду, кричит на собаку! -- Это что! Намного хуже, если она в прекрасном настрое- нии и начинает петь.
Имел такой склад ума, что хоть стоpожа нанимай.