
Civil War Quotes, Notes, and Facts
Full of quotes, notes, and facts of the Civil War. Has Text-To-Speech technology, this software talks and will read the Civil War information to you in a human-sounding computer generated voice. Learn about the Civil War. View Civil War pictures.
CardBase 2000
CardBase is a small, easy to use, address book and phone dialer that makes a nice replacement for the standard MS Windows Cardfile. Along with the regular fields for names, addresses and phone numbers, CardBase can also store email addresses and URLs
Extended Imagic
Imagic is a powerful utility for webmasters, whose main application is automatic image processing, thumbnail galleries preparation, and file management.
NVN (for Outlook)
If you use Outlook for your scheduling, you should use this little program, it shows your appointments and tasks every time on your desktop.
GoMail - Outlook Mass Mailer Addon
Fast mass email engine which sends over 100,000 emails under 5 minutes using up to 150 threads. GoMail lets you send personalised emails to mailing list in text or CSV formats from Microsoft Outlook2000/2002.
Ever had trouble finding an opponent for a good game of chess? Icarus is the
newest, easiest-to-use interface for the Internet Chess Club, where you can
always pick up a game with an opponent on your level.
Mister PiX
Mister PiX is a very powerful program to find pictures, sounds or movies in the www. Just insert a keyword, an URL or a newsgroup and the program grab all the files you want.
With thumbnail overview, viewer, download manager, slide show and more.
AntiSpam Pro (Mailbox Protector)
Allows to create web pages with encripted mailboxes (up to six) in form of bellboys or drop down menus for web sites or to be used as body of electronic mail and pages that contain quantities of false e-mail addresses to discourage the spies.
CD GUI Builder
Knightware CD GUI Builder allows you to quickly design a custom CD-ROM Graphical User Interface (GUI). This GUI will automatically be displayed when the user inserts your CD-ROM. You can create a CD-ROM GUI that allows your customers to install a
Добро потеряешь - не много потеряешь, честь потеряешь - много потеряешь, мужество потеряешь - все потеряешь. И. Гёте
В дождливый осенний вечер Андерсон постучал в двери Юхансона: -- Ты дома, Юхансон? -- Нет,-- сонно ответил хозяин,-- меня нет. -- Но ведь твои калоши стоят за дверью,-- сказал Андерсон. -- У меня две пары калош! -- Ну, если так...-- пробурчал Андерсон и пошел домой.
О чем у нас говорится, все в дело годится