
Eluent Tools
Eluent Tools is a collection of utilities that includes Eluent Replace, a GUI-based, interactive, multi-file search and replace tool that uses Perl regular expressions and scripting, Eluent Find, a file contents searcher and viewer, and much more.
Alto Memory Booster
This program recovers wasted memory, lets you adjust your computer speed and keeps your computer optimized.
It can monitor system performance and automatically free up wasted RAM, and you can use the "scrap all" option to regenerate PC speed.
AlfaPad Notes Organizer
AlfaPad uses an intuitive, double-paned Explorer-like interface to allow hierarchical storage of information. A graphical hierarchical display of your documents appears on the left, while a text viewing/editing window is displayed on the right.
Fleet Maintenance Pro
tracks and organizes preventive maintenance for a fleet of vehicles and equipment. Automatically calculates maintenance due and issues reports. Provides an unlimited number of user-definable mtc items. Track mtc by month, mileage, or hour intervals.
Alpha Ball
Alpha Ball is arkanoid style game with simple control and addictive gameplay. Each level built both backwards and upwards and present original 3d scene. Suspend Game feature that lets you quit a game and return to it later.
CHAOS Compressor
Data compression utility, which allows you to quickly open, create, and modify your archives.
4Musics MP3 to WMA Converter
One-way converting from MP3 to WMA format at high converting speed!
Key Features:
- converting in one click!
- fast converting speed;
- advanced output format settings;
- automatic source deleting;
- supporting drag and drop;
- tag editor;
NetMarks Manager
NetMarks Manager is a new bookmark manager solution. With NetMarks you can store and manage 1000's of bookmarks, take notes, search, preview sites, store favorites, view as web pages, synchronize, and more. NetMarks integrates with Internet Explorer.
MultiPing is an application built for monitoring graphically one or more TCP/IP hosts, while providing detailed historical information about the collection period to monitor uptime and performance or to just keep track of general connectivity.
Отвергая любовь, человек не только отвергает Бога, но и громко зовёт дьявола. Авессалом Подводный
Едут на бричке мать, сын и невестка. На ухабах бричку так трясет, что мать и невестка аж зубами стучат. Сын и говорит: -- Пересядьте, мама, на задок, пусть вас только два колеса трясут. А ты, жена, садись посередине, пусть тебя трясут все четыре колеса.
Что вы пишете, товарищ солдат? Вы что, умный, что ли?!