Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



Block Drop

Tetris with 49 unique blocks, Block Drop is very mentally challenging and will test your ability to visualize 2 dimensional space. This is not a timed game, pause the game at any time to study the playing field.

Acronis Disk Director Suite

Acronis Disk Director Suite is the only disk partitioning software that allows you to automatically or manually resize, copy and move partitions without losing data. It also lets you reorganize the hard drive structure and optimize disk space usage.

Fables et Contes chinois

French version of Chinese Tales and Fables is an illustrated e-book with Chinese art and enhanced with Chinese classical music. Each fable is a brief story, contained on a single page with an implied common-sense moral.

Message Parse

An email processing utility, that provides an easy, and effective way to transfer data from email to other applications. MsgParse exports data from your email messages to user defined customized flat files or databases.

Address Book Recovery

With Address Book Recovery you can: 1.Restore accidentally deleted contacts. 2.View the changes archive on the contact. 3.Restore the contacts from defective Address Book files (*.wab), where contacts from Outlook and Outlook Express are stored.

File Locator

File Locator is a professional tool for finding files and information on your hard drive fast and efficiently. You can easily and fast find photos, movies, music, documents and other files, you can combine simple or complex options. Free download.


MiniHelp! is a PHP script that allows you to interact with your visitors, offering support and/or sales in real time through chat. When the visitor requests help, the operator is informed through a visual and sonorous signal.

Halloween ScreenSaver

Journey through our 3D haunted cemetery as the undead rise from their graves and frolic in the moonlight. Skeletons, zombies, rats, crows, ghosts, and other unholy creatures dance through tombstones as disturbing sounds & dreary music fills the air.

DiamondCS Port Explorer

See which ports belong to which programs! Port Explorer shows all the open ports on your system and what programs own them. Along with this ability it also has many tools including a packet sniffer, bandwidth throttling and country detection.

PEN - Pennock's Email Notifier

PEN is an easy to use, easy to setup Email Notifier that sits in your SysTray and pops up a small window and/or play a sound when new mail arrives in your mailbox. It supports POP3 as well as AOL, Excite,Hotmail, Netscape, Lycos, Mail.com, MSN &Yahoo

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Мысль должна быть направлена на необъятное.
М. Фичино


На собрании председатель колхоза говорит, как много дала со
ветская власть простым людям:
- посмотрите на Марью Петровну - она была простой крестьян-
кой, а сейчас она заведует клубом. Посмотрите на Пелагею Федоров-
ну - она тоже была простой крестьянкой, а сейчас она заведует
библиотекой. Посмотрите на Степана Митрофаныча - был дурак дура-
ком, а сейчас секретарь парторганизации!


Бегу босиком в Омск. Выполню там поручение.

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