
Disables the mouse AND keyboard so that inadvertent keystrokes, mouse clicks/movements by babies, children or pets won't destroy your unsaved 100 page masterpiece. A must have!
Use Ctrl+Alt+S to invoke it in an emergency.
AdsEliminator kills pop-up windows in all popular browsers, has an impressive list of settings and popup ads filters, provides a log of popup that were stopped. AdsEliminator increase your Internet browsing speed by reducing unsolicited ads.
DigiPicNamer helps you quickly rename JPEG or TIFF files from your digital camera. Rename, rotate by 90 degrees, and/or adjust brightness and contrast. Batch convert or rename files. Right click zoom menu. View a slide show of your pictures.
Musical Album
Anyone can easily create their own Screen Saver with an unlimited number of graphics and music. Supported file types include bmp, jpg, jpeg, wmf, dib, ico, gif for graphics and mp3, wav for music.
Internet Cyclone
Internet Cyclone is a powerful, easy-to-use, Internet Optimizer for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP designed to automatically optimize your Windows registry settings wich will boost your Internet connection up to 200%.
Create interactive multimedia applications such as presentations, photo albums, kiosks, e-books, e-cards, educational materials (CBT), screen savers and catalogs without any complicated programming. With MaxMedia your imagination is your only limit!
CalendarioMes ( ctlMesOliware.ocx ) es un control Active X diseсado y probado en el entorno de programacion de Visual Basic 6. Es muy parecido al control MonthView de Microsoft, pero dispone de mas propiedades de diseсo.
Note Wonder
Note Wonder combines the power of a PIM with the ease-of-use of Notepad. It provides an easily accessible place to quickly jot down, store, and retrieve all those little tidbits of information you hate to lose, but never know where to keep.
Fractal Tune Smithy
Create beautiful snowflake like fractal music. Vary the parameters and hear the tunes transformed! Send your tunes as musical e-cards to your friends. Play in historical or exotic tunings using a music keyboard or your p.c. keyboard.
1st Privacy Tool for Windows
1st Privacy Tool is a security utility that allows you to restrict access to Windows important resources. This utility helps you to keep your computer in order. It enables you to impose a variety of access restrictions to protect your privacy.
И при железных дорогах лучше сохранять двуколку. К. Прутков
Жена звонит мужу с курорта: -- Везу СПИД. Тяжело. Встречай. Муж пришел на вокзал. И только жена появилась, он ее -- раз, два, три -- по физиономии. -- Что ты, дурачок! -- со слезами на глазах вскричала же- на.-- Это же я для конспирации! СПИД -- значит: сахар, патока и дрожжи.
Новый вид услуг - пицца в автомобиль, с размаху в лобовое стекло