
1945 Operation Konrad
Operation Konrad recreates the German attempt to relieve the Russian siege of Budapest, the Hungarian capital, in early 1945. One player will control the axis army (German and Hungarian units), the other plays the allied forces (Soviet and Rumanian).
Jigs@w Puzzle
Jigs@w Puzzle is a virtual jigsaw puzzle with great 3D appearance and smooth movements that emulate the real thing. You can send puzzles to your friends or exhibit them in a 3D gallery. Try it now and find out why Jigs@w Puzzle is the 5 star game.
FotoVac is a newsgroup scanner that finds and stores the images you want from usenet newsgroups. Just select the newsgroups that interest you and FotoVac's mass downloader will do the rest. Download pictures with FotoVac - the smart image grabber.
Easy Word
This easy-to-use word processor includes a spelling checker, line-drawing macros, and a built-in backup system. Easy Word will batch-print odd and even pages separately for double-sided printing. There is also a secure erase facility.
Brixout XP
Brixout XP is the best fast-action block-smashing 3D game of the Arkanoid and Breakout family. The game features an advanced 3D engine, outstanding 32-bit graphics, original soundtrack, over 120+ unique levels, 20+ power-ups and a multiplayer mode.
The ultimate Database Editor/Utility.dbfUtils is a convenient, full-featured utility for viewing, editing, modifying, converting and exporting DBF-format databasesIt allows you to add, delete, recall, sort, zap, pack records, view and edit tables.
Frog Way for PocketPC (ARM)
Get into shoes of a little frog!! Jump, eat mosquitos and run away from your enemies while exploring the bog on your way home! Enjoy the frog life!
P2P Messenger .NET
P2P Messenger is secure Instant Messaging client, working by Peer-to-Peer technology. It is fully decentralized and does not require any servers. Supports public-key cryptography
Nature 3D Screensaver
Can your PC use some landscaping? How about some majestic ancient forest, pond with water lilies, emerald grass and a small waterfall? This exquisite 3D nature screensaver is beautifully crafted to decorate your monitor. Free download.
Petty Cash
Petty-Cash is designed to account for funds allocated to departments or offices for incidental expenditure. It provides a printed return with a full transaction record, in bank statement format, followed by an analysis of expenditure by nominal.
Опять скажу: никто не обнимет необъятного! К. Прутков
Австралийский фермер, разбогатевший на овцах, купил за безумные деньги роскошный автомобиль. -- Ну, как машина? -- спросили его через несколько дней.-- Стоит этих денег? -- Машина как машина, но вот стекло, которое отделяет во- дителя от пассажирского салона, мне очень нравится. -- Стекло? А что в нем особенного? -- О, теперь овцы не мешают мне управлять машиной.
А вытянет ли Путин страну из путины?