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Active Search Engine
Active Search Engine is a feature rich server application that allows you to create your own Yahoo style search engine in just minutes. It features an appealing interactive user interface and advanced administration tools for advanced link management
Chat Customer Service Software
Customer service software, with the live help support to increase sale of your website. Easy to use. Perfect for web operator and sales representant. You can upgrade this version to your needs. This CRM is the tool to lower your marketing cost.
Maximizes new Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Netscape Navigator windows.
Minimizes pop up windows.
Absolute Log Analyzer Pro
Get over 160 detailed reports with this powerful log analysis tool. Study your visitors activity "under the microscope," find patterns and improve site navigation. Get your copy Absolute Log Analyzer make your site more user-friendly and popular.
Outlook Express Email Saver
... save your email the easy way, to any drive, with automatic scheduled backups.
Also save your Address Book and Internet Favorites! Anyone can create and restore email archives with Outlook Express Email Saver.
A Solution to the Web's Most Hazardous and Disruptive Problems: Blocks banners, popups, flash ads, messenger service ads, and detects spyware that serves ads. Blocks ads in Kazaa, Morpheus, Gator, ICQ, MSN, AIM, or Trillian.
ConfEditor is an enhanced text editor with syntax highlighting and special features for convinient editing and tuning the main configuration file of Apache web server - httpd.conf.
AdsGone Popup Killer ad Blocker
Finally, a Solution to the Web's Most Hazardous and Disruptive Problems: Blocks popups, banners, flash ads, messenger service ads, and detects spyware that serves ads. Blocks ads in Kazaa, Morpheus, Gator, ICQ, MSN, AIM, or Trillian.
A - ImageM8
ImageM8 is a complete, self contained, image management system for Windows. It combines an image catalog system with screen capture, graphics multi clipboard, image editor, image mixer and photo CD maker. A unique combo to manage all your images.
No Spam Today! SMTP Proxy Free
SMTP proxy mail filter that acts between the internet and your mail server. Incoming mail is accepted from the open internet, checked for spam or viruses, and then delivered to your existing SMTP mail server. Compatible with all mail server software.
Листьям в дубравах древесных подобны сыны человеков. Гомер
Гольдман выиграл главный приз в лотерее, поставив на число 49. Кац его спрашивает: -- Как ты додумался поставить на 49? -- Очень просто. Мне снились семерки, я посчитал их, на- считал шесть штук и поставил на 49. -- Но ведь шестью семь -- 42, а не 49! -- Вот и ходи без штанов со своей математикой!
Жизнь кажется легкой, приятной и удивительной, когда у тебя в кармане лежит пачка долларов толщиной с тонкий конец тележного дышла......... (если не изменяет память - О'Генри)