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eOrdering Professional
eOrdering Professional allows small and large businesses, photographers, and artists to put their products online and take orders online. It enables larger eCommerce sites to use categories to make browsing easier for customers.
OmniChex Web
Manage info on a website in linked checklists, with browser, mobile phone or PDA. All checklists: task, to do, shopping, meetings, travel, packing, bookmark, wish, wedding registry, recipe, directions etc. Try now with a free account on omnichex.com!
FlashDeli (Flash Delivery) is an instant messaging system for your LAN or intranet. FlashDeli gives you an ability to easily exchange messages with your colleagues and neighbors. It will give you a solid boost in office productivity.
Easy Chat Server
Easy Chat Server is a easy, fast and affordable way to host and manage your own real-time communication software, it allows friends/colleagues to chat with you through a Web Browser (IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera etc.) on any computer.
CoffeeCup Image Mapper
Easily make complex image maps with JavaScript mouseover hints, frame targeting, image previewing, and link and mouseover memory, and lots more.
MyWebServer is a free personal peer-to-peer web, file and application server.
It allows you and your associates to access areas of your computer from any
location using a standard web browser, just like any other internet web site.
The best way to find bargains on eBay!
AuctionSieve helps you rapidly filter through the auctions in ebay searches or categories. The quick, easy to use interface helps you exclude the stuff you're not interested in and target items of real value.
InJoy Firewall
Next-generation Deep Packet Inspection Firewall with unique MULTI-PLATFORM support, powerful IPSec VPN capability, and the ULTIMATE multilayered defense. Install this multi-purpose, feel-good product and become an INSTANT SECURITY PROFESSIONAL today.
Mail Bomber
Send personalized e-mail to masses utilizing mailing lists and templates with Mail Bomber. Manage a number of separate mailing lists, write e-mail messages and keep track of feedback from your customers.
3D Charting Toolkit
3D Charting Toolkit is a powerful charting solution used to create attractive, 3D and 2D charts for client applications and web pages using COM or .NET technologies. Create 2D and 3D business, presentation and scientific charts with ease.
Жизнь не в том, чтобы жить, а в том, чтобы чувствовать, что живешь. В.О. Ключевский
В городе закрылись все магазины и ресторан, а Петерсон все бродит по улицам в поисках спиртного. Наконец какой-то про- хожий достал из-под полы бутылку. -- Полсотни крон. -- Черт с тобой, давай. -- Если захочешь еще, вот тебе телефон, позвони. Дома Петерсон откупорил бутылку и обнаружил в ней чи- стую воду. В ярости он набрал номер телефона. Заспанный женский голос ответил: -- Дежурный диспетчер городского водопровода слушает.
Если оптимисты - это те, кто верит в светлый конец, то негры-все пессимисты!