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PSTCompactor - Professional Edition
Reduces Microsoft Outlook PST file sizes at home or across the Corporate network. Compress (zip) attachments, automate compaction, etc. Suitable for management and implementation of Enterprise Email Policies. No changes to Exchange necessary.
PSTCompactor - SOHO Edition
Recovers wasted space from Microsoft Outlook PST files, reducing their size by compressing (zip) attachments, forcing compaction, removing deleted content and more! Makes Outlook run faster, more reliable and less prone to data corruption.
Public PC Desktop
Setup an Internet kiosk or a public access PC; disable access to vital files and allow only necessary applications to be run including Internet Explorer. The program is ideal for public libraries, Internet cafes, information terminals or kiosks.
Public SyncTool
Synchronise your Outlook with your Notebook. Public SyncTool provides a powerful synchronization, enabling consumers to keep all of their information, calendars, e-mail, contacts and tasks constantly up-to-date between a PC and a Notebook
PurgeIE is a Cache and Cookie cleaner for Internet Explorer users to eliminate their surfing tracks. PurgeIE now has functions to assist in Cookie Control. PurgeIE manages its cleanup functions without requiring a system restart.
PurgeIE Pro
PurgeIE Pro is a Cache and Cookie cleaner for Internet Explorer users to eliminate their surfing tracks. PurgeIE Pro includes 'secure erase' and support for Plugins. PurgeIE Pro manages its cleanup functions without requiring a system restart.
QIC Webfotoalbum
Present your images to friends and relatives on the internet in the easiest way with QIC Webfotoalbum! QIC Webfotoalbum creates an HTML photo gallery from image files (JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PCX...) and uploads the gallery to any internet server.
QK SMTP Server
A powerful but easy-to-use smtp server software, which can send mails from localhost to the recipients' mailboxes directly at an amazingly high speed. Arrived or not, you will get a feedback instantly. It can work with most mail client software.
QNewsLetter makes it easy to send personalized emails. It can be used to inform your customers about product news, events and so on. To write a new serial letter, simply switch to the serial letters folder within Outlook
QuadSucker/News downloads FOUR news articles at once, making it four times faster than single-threaded news readers. It's perfect for all types of groups: GIF, JPEG, MP3, MPG, RAR, ZIP, and more! Supports yEnc. Fully functional - no disabled features
Эта теорема пригодна лишь для спора о ней. Г. Лихтенберг
-- Ну, удался вчера обед, на который тебя пригласил Гарри? -- Да, если бы суп не был такой же холодный, как вино, вино такое же безвкусное, как рыба, а рыба такая же костлявая, как хо- зяйка, был бы не обед, а объедение!
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