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Lightspeed popularity is spreading faster than the speed of light itself. The game is based on the rules of optics and was originally designed in a scientific research lab. It made its way out and is now conquering the world. Download it free!
CoffeeCup Popup Blocker
Stop those pesky PopUp Ads ! PopUp Blocker can stop virtually all browser PopUps. It integrates directly with Internet Explorer to stop PopUps at the source.
4t Explorer Sweeper
4t Explorer Sweeper clears browsing history such as cookies, temporary Internet files, index files, recently accessed files, URL's, search terms, passwords, etc. It also speeds up PC performance, increases free disks space and improves security.
Bookmark, Password and Login System by M8 Software
When you use any bookmark program, it launches your browser and loads the website. WebM8 goes one step further - As the website loads, Webm8 displays a small window on top of your browser with your username and password ready to paste in.
Active Map
Add a searchable web-based map to you site. Visitors type in a location and he is shown where it is in the map. The map can be moved in different directions, and includes the option to zoom or resize it.
JUnitConv - Units Of Measure Converter
JUnitConv is an universal Units of Measure Converter built as a Java Applet, it supports an unlimited number of Units Categories, Units of Measure and Multiplier Prefixes that could be customized using external text files.
iTab Pro QuickNavBar
High-speed, multi-level, scalable topbar navigation for giving a website a truly state-of-the-art professional look. As well as tabs and switchbars, this java menu includes deep multi-level frame-crossing drop-down menus and an optional search box.
German Characters
This German Characters program was written to allow you a simple and efficient way to use the accented alphabetic letters and characters that are unique to the German language and are not shown on your English keyboard.
Anonymity 4 Proxy - A4Proxy
Anonymizer for the Web to surf and download anonymously. Check anonymous public proxy servers and surf through them, block cookies, monitor client requests, modify HTTP headers (FTP and HTTPS supported). Anonymous public proxy server list included.
Freeware Browser
Freeware Browser is a freeware themed web browser that delivers easy navigation to freeware and software related websites.
Если ты в здравом уме, не мечтай, что верна тебе будет Та, что в объятья твои пала с такой быстротой. Овидий
Идет бабка мимо милиционера и вдруг оглушительно чи- хает. Испугалась, а милиционер ей говорит: -- Будьте здоровы! -- Ой,-- восхищается старушка,-- какая у нас милиция культурная! -- А как же. Знаешь, бабка, как нас за некультурность тра- хают, бляха-муха?
Если никакого смысла нет в вопросе не стоит искать его в ответе