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Fast Submit
Fast Submit will help you to send the information on the program on largest shareware servers. 100% supports with the standard PAD XML and extensions, automatic filling of the forms, multithread operations mode and adjusted interface, FTP manager.
FastMail provides extensive filtering and processing capabilities for incoming correspondence, creating incoming and outgoing message archives, and features the ability to personalize mail distribution for a large number of recipients.
Fastream NetFile
Formerly known as FTP++ P2P, NetFile is a multi-threaded FTP client with resuming, passive mode, simultaneous multi-socket file transfers.
Fastream NETFile FTP/Web Server
Secure, ultra-fast FTP server and multi-threaded Web server for WindowsВ® NT4/2000/XP/2003, featuring XML-based GUI remote administration, authentication, separate upload/download speed limits, storage quotas, dynamic DNS and more...
Favorites Sweeper
Promote a clean in your Internet Explorer Favorites, by removing broken and duplicated links. Favorites Sweeper will find and list these bad favorites for you, allowing you to remove its in a fast and easy way.
Video Flash chat, broadcast LIVE images with your webcam. Enable real time answers and dialog to your visitor, get their comments and personal data online, give them real time help. Let know if you are on the Internet without using messenger program.
File Service Extension for IIS
File Serivce Extension is an IIS add-on which enables you to monitoring real time connections status of IIS,prevent other sites directly linking your hosted files,control maximum number of concurrent connections from same IP address allowed at any on
Files Search Assistant
With Files Search Assistant you can search text in different file formats, for example in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) documents, MS Office files (xls, doc). Preview pane and other options make your search efficient and rapid.- Preview Pane – was design to sa
FileToMail is a small utility that allow you to send your files by means of email directly from Windows Explorer with just two mouse clicks.
Flash FTP Server
Flash FTP Server is a powerful, flexible, and easy-to-set-up FTP server for all Windows platforms. Security features include passwords and read/write/modify rights per directory or file for each user, and IP address access control. Other features inc
Разум - это зажигательное стекло, которое, воспламеняя, само остается холодным. Р. Декарт
Американский коммивояжер, войдя в квартиру, демонст- ративно вытряхивает из кулька на ковер заранее приготовленный мусор и тут же начинает рекламировать свой товар: -- Мадам, я готов съесть все то, что не вычистит наш заме- чательный пылесос! Эй, мэм, куда же вы? -- Один момент, я на кухню за ложкой,-- отвечает хозяйка,-- Вот, возьмите -- у нас уже два дня нет электроэнергии.
Девиз женщин: Мужчины - линолеум. Если их первый раз хорошо постелить, по нему можно ходить 20 лет.