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TZ Connection Booster Wizard
Connection Booster Wizzard can configure any modem, ADSL, Cable, DSL and LAN connection types for maximum performance for faster surfing the Web, playing online games, and downloading files. It also configures Internet Explorer for better stability.
TZ Personal Firewall
TZ personal firewall stops Hackers, Trojans, Spyware, Viruses, DoS attacks & data thieves & protects your PC from Internet-borne threats. Put a secure barrier between your hard drive & hackers, whether you use a dial -up, ISDN, DSL & cable connection
TZ Popup Killer & Ads Filter
Popup Killer is not just another Pop Up Stopper. By intelligently filtering of annoying aspects of browsing the net (ads, Pop ups advertising, slow surfing speeds, spying cookies). Works with all Web Browsers (AOL, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera)
TZ Privacy Guard
TZ Privacy Gaurd lets you encrypt and lock your IE favorites and history folders. Your History, favorite's folders and private information: passwords, credit card numbers, social security number etc. can expose a lot of your private information.
TZ Spyware-Adware Remover
Nearly 90% of Internet connected PCs are infected by Spyware. TZ Spyware-Adware Remover -The leader in privacy protection,safely detects & removes all forms of spyware, Trojans, adware, keyloggers, Dialers, system monitors. Try it now for free!
TZO Dynamic DNS Client
TZO uses true dynamic DNS client/server technology to fix static domain name to a dynamic IP address.This allows Internet users with Cable,DSL and dialup Internet connections to host their own photo server,website, FTPserver, mail server, game server
TZO Dynamic DNS Client with Photo Sharing
TZO offers the ability to run your own Photo server, web server, mail server and more. True dynamic DNS client/server technology to fix static domain name to a dynamic IP addresses. Cable, DSL Internet users can host their own site. Free Trial
TZO Dynamic DNS Lite
This is the classic version of the TZO Client software which first introduced the idea of linking a domain name to a Dynamic IP address. TZO uses true dynamic DNS client/server technology and has one of the most reliable infrastructures.
TZO Dynamic DNS with PhotoSharing
TZO uses true dynamic DNS client/server technology to fix a static domain name
to a dynamic IP address. This allows Internet users with Cable, DSL and
dialup Internet connections to host their own photo server,website, FTP
and mail server and more
U-Upload Pro
U-Upload Pro is a file upload applet that runs in a web page. Powered by Unlimited FTP, the
popular Java based FTP applet, U-Upload Pro allows the upload of entire directories, with on the fly ZIP compression.
...Человек не то, чем он хочет быть, но то, чем он не может не быть. С. Моэм
- какая самая модная мужская прическа - "Хрущевская", или "урожай 1963 года".
Жизнь - это игра. Задумана хреново, но графика - обалденная!